Translation Tag: second sino-japanese war
Sometimes referred to in shorthand as the “History Resolution” or “Resolution on History,” this document is the Party’s official narrative of its history. The CCP has in total issued three such “resolutions” since its founding in 1921. This resolution follows the 1945 Resolution on Certain Historical Issues [关于若干历史问题的决议] and the 1981 Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party Since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China [关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议].
This is the second white paper on Taiwan released by the PRC State Council’s Taiwan Affairs Office and the State Council Information Office. The white paper provides a comprehensive overview of the official PRC position on Taiwan’s status, outlining Beijing’s assessment of the current factors impacting cross-Strait tensions, and a policy pathway for achieving “reunification.”
This is the first white paper on Taiwan released by the PRC State Council’s Taiwan Affairs Office and the State Council Information Office. The white paper provides a comprehensive overview of the official PRC position on Taiwan’s status, outlining Beijing’s assessment of the current factors impacting cross-Strait tensions, and a policy pathway for achieving “reunification.”