中共中央政治局常务委员会召开会议 (2022年3月)
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Convening of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee (March 2022)

中共中央政治局常务委员会召开会议 (2022年3月)

China’s top decision-making body, the Politburo Standing Committee, convened to discuss the country’s evolving COVID-19 strategy.

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Xinhua (Beijing), March 17 — The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee (Politburo Standing Committee) convened a meeting on March 17. The Politburo Standing Committee analyzed the current COVID-19 situation and arranged for the strict implementation of epidemic prevention and control work. The General Secretary of the Central Committee, Xi Jinping, presided over the meeting and delivered an important speech.

新华社北京3月17日电 中共中央政治局常务委员会3月17日召开会议,分析新冠肺炎疫情形势,部署从严抓好疫情防控工作。中共中央总书记习近平主持会议并发表重要讲话。

Xi Jinping pointed out that since routine epidemic control measures were adopted [in early 2020], China has maintained a policy of “preventing imported cases and domestic resurgences.” We have continuously improved the standard of our precision COVID-19 prevention and control work, which is based on differentiating between different zones and severity. We have also rapidly and effectively managed localized outbreaks. As a result, we have protected the lives and health of the Chinese people to the maximum extent possible and maintained China’s world-leading position in economic development and tackling COVID-19. These achievements show China’s substantial strength and powerful capability in epidemic prevention and control. Moreover, they fully demonstrate the notable advantages of the leadership by the Communist Party of China and China’s socialist system.


Xi Jinping stressed that victory comes from perseverance. Every locality, department, and sector must be fully cognisant of the complexity, arduousness and enduring nature of COVID-19 prevention and control both at home and abroad. We must:


— step-up mobilization, build consensus, firm up our determination, persevere, and meticulously and effectively implement all prevention work;

— 进一步动员起来,统一思想,坚定信心,坚持不懈,抓细抓实各项防疫工作。

— always put the people and their lives first, persist with the scientific and precise dynamic zero-COVID approach, and expeditiously contain the spread of the virus;

— 要始终坚持人民至上、生命至上,坚持科学精准、动态清零,尽快遏制疫情扩散蔓延势头。

— make prevention and control work more targeted by improving the standard of scientific precision, continuously optimising our measures, and stepping up research and development efforts on vaccines, rapid testing reagents, pharmaceuticals, etc.; and

— 要提高科学精准防控水平,不断优化疫情防控举措,加强疫苗、快速检测试剂和药物研发等科技攻关,使防控工作更有针对性。

— maintain strategic focus, pursue progress while ensuring stability, effectively coordinate the COVID-19 response with socio-economic development, adopt more effective measures, strive to achieve the best epidemic prevention and control results while minimizing cost, and minimize COVID-19’s impact on socio-economic development.

— 要保持战略定力,坚持稳中求进,统筹好疫情防控和经济社会发展,采取更加有效措施,努力用最小的代价实现最大的防控效果,最大限度减少疫情对经济社会发展的影响。

The Politburo Standing Committee pointed out that frequent local virus outbreaks have been prevalent across multiple regions of China. All local governments, health authorities, work units and individuals must fully discharge their responsibilities: fulfil the requirements of early detection, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment, and strictly and earnestly conduct prevention and control work. We must strengthen oversight in critical locations to bring local outbreaks rapidly under control.


The Politburo Standing Committee stressed that we must keep people’s everyday production and lives stable and orderly, ensure the production and supply of daily necessities, and meet the people’s medical needs. We also need to:


— accelerate disease control and prevention system reforms, expand monitoring coverage of key population groups, improve the multi-channel mechanism for monitoring and early warning, and comprehensively lift capabilities in epidemic monitoring, early warning and emergency response;

— 要加快疾控体系改革,扩大重点人群监测覆盖面,完善多渠道监测预警机制,全面提升疫情监测预警和应急反应能力。

— ensure port-of-entry areas fulfil their responsibilities for COVID-19 prevention and control and raise their capabilities, improve the mechanism for routine epidemic control, shore up weaknesses, and reinforce the line of defence against imported cases;

— 要压实口岸地区防控责任,充实口岸防控力量,健全常态化防控机制,补齐短板弱项,筑牢外防输入防线。

— strengthen the routine epidemic control in schools and other key places, ensure the responsibilities for these places are fulfilled, and ensure epidemic containment measures and contingency plans are meticulous and effective;

— 要加强学校等重点场所常态化防控,压实主体责任,做实做细防控措施和应急预案。

— educate and guide all cadres and the people to fully understand the importance of epidemic prevention, master the knowledge, consciously comply with prevention requirements, enhance self-protection, and cooperate with the Party and the government to ensure that a good job is done;

— 要教育引导广大干部群众充分认识防疫工作的重要性,掌握防疫知识,自觉遵守防疫要求,加强自我防护,配合党和政府做好工作。

— reinforce the society-wide defence line against COVID-19 by increasing publicity to raise scientific awareness about vaccination, driving the booster vaccination effort, and further raising the overall vaccination rate; and

— 要加强疫苗接种科普宣传,推进加强免疫接种,进一步提高接种率,筑牢群防群控防线。

— coordinate information release and publicity guidance work to keep the public informed promptly on the COVID-19 situation and our response, and in doing so, actively engage the concerns of the public.

— 要统筹做好信息发布和宣传引导,及时向社会通报疫情态势和防控工作进展,主动回应社会关切。

The Politburo Standing Committee instructed all localities, departments and sectors to align their thinking and action with the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee. Both Party committees and government authorities must work together and jointly assume and fulfil the responsibility to defend our country against COVID-19 and bolster our epidemic prevention capability. Time and tide wait for no man: we must strengthen our organising and leadership, overcome complacency and weariness of the epidemic, refrain from taking chances or slacking off, and meticulously and effectively carry out all epidemic prevention and control work. In places where the epidemic is relatively severe, the main leaders of the Party and government and leading cadres at all levels should take epidemic prevention work as their priority. They must do their utmost to win the battle against COVID-19. Party organisations at all levels and all Party members and cadres must play a constructive role. They must go to the front line of epidemic control, immerse themselves among the people, and actively help them solve their problems and alleviate their difficulties. We must strengthen accountability inspections: anyone who fails to perform their duties and responsibilities leading to epidemic outbreaks must be immediately and severely investigated, held accountable and dealt with according to Party rules and laws of the state.


Other matters were also considered at the meeting.


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中国共产党中央政治局常务委员会 (Standing Committee of the Central Political Bureau of the CCP). "Convening of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee (March 2022) [中共中央政治局常务委员会召开会议 (2022年3月)]". CSIS Interpret: China, original work published in Xinhua News Agency [新华社], March 17, 2022

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