Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一章 总 则
Article 1 In order to standardize the work of developing Party members, ensure the quality of newly developed Party members, and maintain the advanced nature and purity of the Party, these detailed rules are formulated in accordance with the Chinese Communist Party Charter and relevant provisions within the Party.
第一条 为了规范发展党员工作,保证新发展的党员质量,保持党的先进性和纯洁性,根据《中国共产党章程》和党内有关规定,制定本细则。
Article 2 The Party’s primary-level organizations should treat as a regular, important part of work the absorption into the Party of advanced elements who have Marxist faith, communist consciousness, and the ideals of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and who consciously practice the core socialist values.
第二条 党的基层组织应当把吸收具有马克思主义信仰、共产主义觉悟和中国特色社会主义信念,自觉践行社会主义核心价值观的先进分子入党,作为一项经常性重要工作。
Article 3 Party member development work should implement the Party’s basic theory, basic line, basic program, basic experience, and basic requirements, be in accordance with the general requirements of controlling the total amount, optimizing the structure, improving the quality, and playing a role, adhere to the Party membership standards stipulated in the Party Charter, and always put political standards first; adhere to prudent and balanced development, and be undertaken with leadership and planning; adhere to the principle that entering the Party is voluntary and the principle of absorbing case by case, developing members one by one as they mature.
第三条 发展党员工作应当贯彻党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领、基本经验、基本要求,按照控制总量、优化结构、提高质量、发挥作用的总要求,坚持党章规定的党员标准,始终把政治标准放在首位;坚持慎重发展、均衡发展,有领导、有计划地进行;坚持入党自愿原则和个别吸收原则,成熟一个,发展一个。
Prohibit rushed development and oppose “closed door-ism.”
Chapter 2 Determination, and Cultivation and Education, of Persons Actively Pursuing Party Entry
第二章 入党积极分子的确定和培养教育
Article 4 The Party organization shall, through propaganda of the Party’s political propositions and in-depth and meticulous thought-and-political work, raise the awareness of masses outside the Party about the Party and continuously expand the ranks of persons actively pursuing Party entry.
第四条 党组织应当通过宣传党的政治主张和深入细致的思想政治工作,提高党外群众对党的认识,不断扩大入党积极分子队伍。
Article 5 Chinese workers, peasants, service people, intellectuals, and advanced elements of other social strata who have reached the age of eighteen, who acknowledge the Party’s program and Charter, and who are willing to join a Party organization and work actively in it, implement the Party’s resolutions and pay Party dues on time can apply to join the Chinese Communist Party.
第五条 年满十八岁的中国工人、农民、军人、知识分子和其他社会阶层的先进分子,承认党的纲领和章程,愿意参加党的一个组织并在其中积极工作、执行党的决议和按期交纳党费的,可以申请加入中国共产党。
Article 6 Applicants to join the Party should present their Party membership application to a Party organization of the unit where they work or study. Those who have no work or study unit, or whose work or study unit has not yet established a Party organization, should present their Party membership application to the Party organization of their place of residence.
第六条 入党申请人应当向工作、学习所在单位党组织提出入党申请,没有工作、学习单位或工作、学习单位未建立党组织的,应当向居住地党组织提出入党申请。
Mobile persons can also present a Party membership application to a Party organization where their unit is located or to a Party organization in the department in charge of managing the unit, and can also present their application to a mobile Party member Party organization.
Article 7 After a Party organization receives an application letter for Party membership, it should, within one month, deploy someone to talk with the Party applicant to understand the basic situation.
第七条 党组织收到入党申请书后,应当在一个月内派人同入党申请人谈话,了解基本情况。
Article 8 The determination of persons actively pursuing Party entry (入党积极分子) from among Party applicants should adopt means such as Party member recommendation and mass organization recommendation of those who excel to select candidates, [shall] be studied and decided on by the branch committee (if there is no branch committee, the branch general meeting, the same applies below), and [shall] be reported to the Party committee at the level above for review.
第八条 在入党申请人中确定入党积极分子,应当采取党员推荐、群团组织推优等方式产生人选,由支部委员会(不设支部委员会的由支部大会,下同)研究决定,并报上级党委备案。
Article 9 A Party organization shall designate one or two formal Party members as cultivation contacts for persons actively pursuing Party entry. The main tasks of cultivation contacts are:
第九条 党组织应当指定一至两名正式党员作入党积极分子的培养联系人。培养联系人的主要任务是:
(1) Introducing basic Party knowledge to persons actively pursuing Party entry;
(2) Understanding the political consciousness, moral character, actual performance, and family situation etc. of persons actively pursuing Party entry, conducting cultivation and education work, and guiding persons actively pursuing Party entry to correct their motives for joining the Party.
(3) Reporting promptly to the Party branch on the situation regarding persons actively pursuing Party entry.
(4) Offering an opinion to the Party branch on whether a person actively pursuing Party entry can be listed as a development target (发展对象).
Article 10 Party organizations should adopt means such as including persons actively pursuing Party entry in listening to Party classes and participating in relevant intra-party activities, and assigning for them a certain amount of social work and intensive training, and carry out for persons actively pursuing Party entry education on Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, education on the Party’s line, principles, policies, and the Party’s basic knowledge, education on the Party’s history and fine traditions, and work style, and education on the core socialist values, making them understand the Party’s nature, program, purpose, organizational principles, and discipline, and understand a Party member’s obligations and rights, and helping them to correct their motives for joining the Party, establishing a belief in spending one’s whole life striving for the cause of communism.
第十条 党组织应当采取吸收入党积极分子听党课、参加党内有关活动,给他们分配一定的社会工作以及集中培训等方法,对入党积极分子进行马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系教育,党的路线、方针、政策和党的基本知识教育,党的历史和优良传统、作风教育以及社会主义核心价值观教育,使他们懂得党的性质、纲领、宗旨、组织原则和纪律,懂得党员的义务和权利,帮助他们端正入党动机,确立为共产主义事业奋斗终身的信念。
Article 11 Party branches shall conduct a test and assessment of persons actively pursuing Party entry once every six months. Primary-level Party committees shall conduct an analysis on the situation regarding persons actively pursuing Party entry once a year. Improvement measures shall be taken for problems that exist.
第十一条 党支部每半年对入党积极分子进行一次考察。基层党委每年对入党积极分子队伍状况作一次分析。针对存在的问题,采取改进措施。
Article 12 If there is a change in the unit (place of residence) where a person actively pursuing Party entry works or studies, it should be reported promptly to the Party organization of the original unit (place of residence). The Party organization of the original unit (place of residence) should promptly transfer cultivation and education and other such relevant materials to the Party organization of the current unit (place of residence). The Party organization of the current unit (place of residence) should conduct a diligent review of the relevant materials and continue to carry out the cultivation and education. The duration of cultivation and education can be calculated continuously.
第十二条 入党积极分子工作、学习所在单位(居住地)发生变动,应当及时报告原单位(居住地)党组织。原单位(居住地)党组织应当及时将培养教育等有关材料转交现单位(居住地)党组织。现单位(居住地)党组织应当对有关材料进行认真审查,并接续做好培养教育工作。培养教育时间可连续计算。
Chapter 3 Determination, and Test and Assessment, of Development Targets
第三章 发展对象的确定和考察
Article 13 For persons actively pursuing Party entry who have undergone more than one year of cultivation and education and test and assessment, and who basically meet the conditions of Party membership, on the basis of listening to the opinions of the Party small group, cultivation contacts, Party members, and the masses, after the branch committee discusses and agrees and reports to the higher-level Party committee for filing, such persons can be listed as development targets.
第十三条 对经过一年以上培养教育和考察、基本具备党员条件的入党积极分子,在听取党小组、培养联系人、党员和群众意见的基础上,支部委员会讨论同意并报上级党委备案后,可列为发展对象。
Article 14 A development target shall have two full Party members as introducers into the Party (入党介绍人). [The role of] introducer into the Party is generally performed by cultivating contacts, [or] can also be designated by the Party organization.
第十四条 发展对象应当有两名正式党员作入党介绍人。入党介绍人一般由培养联系人担任,也可由党组织指定。
Party members who have been placed under the disciplinary measure of remaining in the Party under probation and who have not recovered their Party member rights cannot act as introducer into the Party.
Article 15 The main tasks of an introducer into the Party are:
第十五条 入党介绍人的主要任务是:
(1) Explain the Party’s program and Charter to the development target and explain the conditions, obligations, and rights of Party members.
(2) Diligently understand the development target’s motives for joining the Party, political consciousness, moral character, work experience, and actual performance, etc. and report to the Party organization truthfully.
(3) Instruct the development target to fill out the Chinese Communist Party Letter of Expression of Aspiration to Join and diligently record their own opinion.
(4) Responsibly introduce the development target’s circumstances to the branch general meeting.
(5) After the development target has been approved as a probationary Party member, continue to provide them with education and assistance.
Article 16 Party organizations must conduct political reviews of development targets.
第十六条 党组织必须对发展对象进行政治审查。
The main contents of the political review are: attitude towards the Party’s theory, line, principles, and policies; political history and performance in major political struggles; observance of discipline and law and compliance with social ethics; the political situation of immediate family members and main social relationships of close connection to the person.
The basic methods of political review are: talking with the person in question, consulting relevant archive materials, seeking information from relevant units and persons, and making necessary correspondence-based investigations or external investigations. After speaking with the person in question and reviewing the relevant materials, if the situation is clear, no correspondence-based investigation or external investigation is required. When conducting a political review of development targets from among mobile persons, opinions should also be solicited from the primary-level Party organizations of the place of their household registration and their place of residence.
Political reviews must be conducted solemnly and diligently and by seeking truth from facts with attention paid to the person in question’s consistent performance. Reviews should form conclusive material.
Anyone who has not undergone the political review or failed to pass the political review cannot be developed to join the Party.
Article 17 The primary-level Party committee or the organization department of the county-level Party committee shall conduct short-term intensive training for development targets. The duration of training is generally not less than three days (or not less than 24 study hours). During training, study is mainly of documents such as the Party Charter and the Code of Political Conduct for the Communist Party of China under the New Circumstances. The Party Joining Textbook organized and compiled by the Central Committee Organization Department can be used as study guide material.
第十七条 基层党委或县级党委组织部门应当对发展对象进行短期集中培训。培训时间一般不少于三天(或不少于二十四个学时)。培训时主要学习党章、《关于党内政治生活的若干准则》等文件。中央组织部组织编写的《入党教材》,可以作为学习辅导材料。
Those who have not undergone training, except in some special circumstances, cannot be developed to join the Party.
Chapter 4 Reception of Prospective Party Members
第四章 预备党员的接收
Article 18 The reception of probationary Party members shall be processed in strict accordance with the procedures stipulated in the Party Charter.
第十八条 接收预备党员应当严格按照党章规定的程序办理。
Article 19 The branch committee shall conduct a strict review of the development target and, after collective discussion deeming [them] eligible, report it to the primary-level Party committee with approval authority for pre-examination.
第十九条 支部委员会应当对发展对象进行严格审查,经集体讨论认为合格后,报具有审批权限的基层党委预审。
The primary-level Party committee conducts a review of the conditions, and cultivation and education of the development target and, as needed, listens to the opinions of relevant departments such as discipline enforcement and law enforcement. The result of the review will be notified to the Party branch in writing, and the Chinese Communist Party Letter of Expression of Aspiration to Join will be issued to development targets who have passed the review.
If the development target will leave the work or study unit within the next three months, generally, the formalities for accepting probationary Party members will not be processed.
Article 20 Development targets who have passed pre-examination by the primary-level Party committee shall be submitted by the branch committee to the branch general meeting for discussion.
第二十条 经基层党委预审合格的发展对象,由支部委员会提交支部大会讨论。
To hold a branch general meeting to discuss the receipt of probationary Party members, the number of people who have voting rights must exceed half of the number of people able to vote who should attend the meeting.
Article 21 The main procedures for discussing the receipt of probationary Party members at the branch meeting are:
第二十一条 支部大会讨论接收预备党员的主要程序是:
(1) The development target reports their understanding of the Party, motivation for joining the Party, personal resumé, situation regarding their family and main social relations, and issues that need to be explained to the Party organization.
(2) The introducer into the Party introduces the development target’s relevant circumstances, and declares their opinion on whether the target can join the Party.
(3) The branch committee reports on the review of the development target.
(4) Participating Party members shall fully discuss whether the development target can join the Party and shall vote by secret ballot. Only if the number of people in favor exceeds half of the full Party members who should be present and have the right to vote, can the decision to receive the probationary Party member be passed. For those full Party members with voting rights who for some reason are unable to attend the meeting, if they formally submit written opinions to the Party branch before the branch general meeting, they shall be counted in the votes.
When the branch general meeting discusses two or more development targets to join the Party, they must discuss and vote on each respectively.
Article 22 The Party branch shall promptly write the branch meeting resolution into the Chinese Communist Party Letter of Expression of Aspiration to Join and submit it to the higher-level Party committee for approval together with the person in question’s application for Party membership, political review materials, and cultivation and education and test and assessment materials.
第二十二条 党支部应当及时将支部大会决议写入《中国共产党入党志愿书》,连同本人入党申请书、政治审查材料、培养教育考察材料等,一并报上级党委审批。
The resolution of the branch general meeting mainly includes: the main performance of the development target; the number of Party members who have the right to vote who should attend the meeting and who actually attended the meeting; the voting result; the date of the adoption of the resolution; and the signature of the branch secretary.
Article 23 Probationary Party members must be reviewed and approved by the Party committee (working committee, same applies below).
第二十三条 预备党员必须由党委(工委,下同)审批。
Primary-level Party committees which fall within the township (sub-district) Party committee [category] cannot review and approve probationary Party members but should review and discuss probationary Party members accepted by the branch general meeting.
General Party branches cannot review and approve probationary Party members but should review and discuss probationary Party members accepted by the branch general meeting.
Unless otherwise stipulated, temporary Party organizations cannot accept or review and approve probationary Party members.
Party groups cannot review and approve probationary Party members.
Article 24 Prior to Party committee review and approval, Party committee members or organizers shall be deployed to talk with the development target to gain further understanding and shall help the development target to improve their understanding of the Party. The person conducting the talk should truthfully fill in the Chinese Communist Party Letter of Expression of Aspiration to Join with information on the talk and their opinion on whether the development target can join the Party, and shall report to the Party committee.
第二十四条 党委审批前,应当指派党委委员或组织员同发展对象谈话,作进一步的了解,并帮助发展对象提高对党的认识。谈话人应当将谈话情况和自己对发展对象能否入党的意见,如实填写在《中国共产党入党志愿书》上,并向党委汇报。
Article 25 Party committees when reviewing and approving probationary Party members must collectively discuss and vote.
第二十五条 党委审批预备党员,必须集体讨论和表决。
The Party committee mainly reviews and discusses whether the development target meets the conditions for Party members and whether the procedures for joining the Party are complete. If the development target meets the conditions for Party members and the formalities for joining the Party are complete, approve them as probationary Party members. The Party committee’s approval opinion shall be written into the Chinese Communist Party Letter of Expression of Aspiration to Join, indicating the start and end time of the probationary period, and the Party branch that submitted it for approval shall be notified. The Party branch should promptly notify the person in question and announce it at the Party members’ meeting. For those who have not been approved to join the Party, the Party branch and the person in question shall be notified, and thought work shall be carried out.
When the Party committee reviews and approves two or more development targets to join the Party, they shall deliberate and vote on each respectively.
Article 26 Party committees shall review and approve resolutions on receiving probationary Party members reported up by Party branches within three months and shall report up to the organization department of the higher-level Party committee for filing. In special circumstances, the review and approval time can be appropriately extended, but it shall not exceed six months.
第二十六条 党委对党支部上报的接收预备党员的决议,应当在三个月内审批,并报上级党委组织部门备案。如遇特殊情况可适当延长审批时间,但不得超过六个月。
Article 27 Under special circumstances, the Party Central Committee and the committees of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under central government may directly accept Party members.
第二十七条 在特殊情况下,党的中央和省、自治区、直辖市委员会可以直接接收党员。
Article 28 Persons who have heroically devoted themselves for the interests of the Party and the people in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, whose deeds are outstanding, who have a great influence within a certain range, who always performed well during their lifetime, and who had presented a request to join the Party to a Party organization may be posthumously considered a Party member.
第二十八条 对在中国特色社会主义事业中为党和人民利益英勇献身,事迹突出,在一定范围内有较大影响,生前一贯表现良好并曾向党组织提出过入党要求的人员,可以追认为党员。
Posthumous recognizing of Party members must be strictly controlled. After discussion and decision by the Party organization of the person’s unit, having gone through review by the higher-level Party committee, report to the provincial-level Party committee for approval.
Chapter 5 Education, Testing and Assessment, and Conversion of Probationary Party Members
第五章 预备党员的教育、考察和转正
Article 29 Party organizations shall promptly incorporate probationary Party members approved by higher-level Party committees into Party branches and Party small groups and shall continue to conduct education and testing and assessment of probationary Party members.
第二十九条 党组织应当及时将上级党委批准的预备党员编入党支部和党小组,对预备党员继续进行教育和考察。
Article 30 Prospective Party members must face the Party flag and take the oath of Party membership. The swearing-in ceremony for joining the Party is generally organized and carried out by the primary-level Party committee or Party branch (general Party branch).
第三十条 预备党员必须面向党旗进行入党宣誓。入党宣誓仪式,一般由基层党委或党支部(党总支)组织进行。
Article 31 The Party organization shall educate and test and assess probationary Party members by means of the Party’s organizational life, listening to personal reports, individual heart-to-heart conversations, intensive training, and practical tempering.
第三十一条 党组织应当通过党的组织生活、听取本人汇报、个别谈心、集中培训、实践锻炼等方式,对预备党员进行教育和考察。
Article 32 The probationary period for probationary Party members is one year. The probationary period starts from the date when the branch general meeting approves the target as a probationary Party member.
第三十二条 预备党员的预备期为一年。预备期从支部大会通过其为预备党员之日算起。
When the probationary period for a probationary Party member reaches completion, the Party branch shall promptly discuss whether they can be converted into a full Party member. Those who conscientiously perform their Party member obligations and meet the conditions for Party members shall be converted to schedule into full Party members. For those for whom it is necessary to continue tests and assessment and education, the probationary period can be extended once, with the extension period not being less than half a year and, at most, not more than one year. Those who do not fulfill Party member obligations and do not meet the conditions for Party membership shall have their qualification as a probationary Party member revoked.
If a probationary Party member violates Party discipline and the circumstances are relatively minor and probationary Party member qualification can still be retained, criticism and education shall be carried out or the probationary period shall be extended. If the circumstances are more serious, their probationary Party member qualification shall be revoked.
The conversion of probationary Party members into full Party members and the extension of the probationary period or the revocation of probationary Party member qualification shall be discussed and passed by a branch general meeting and approved by the higher-level Party organization.
Article 33 The procedures for converting probationary Party members to full ones are: the person in question submits a written application for conversion to the Party branch; the Party small group submits an opinion; the Party branch solicits the opinions of Party members and the masses; the branch committee reviews the application; the branch general meeting discusses and votes on passage; it is reported up to the higher-level Party committee for review and approval.
第三十三条 预备党员转正的手续是:本人向党支部提出书面转正申请;党小组提出意见;党支部征求党员和群众的意见;支部委员会审查;支部大会讨论、表决通过;报上级党委审批。
The branch general meeting to discuss converting probationary Party members shares the same requirements for number of people in attendance, number of people in favor, etc., as the branch general meeting to discuss receiving probationary Party members.
Article 34 The Party committee shall review and approve the resolution on the conversion of probationary Party members reported up by the Party branch within three months. The review and approval result shall be promptly notified to the Party branch. The Party branch secretary shall talk with the applicant and announce the review and approval at a Party members’ meeting.
第三十四条 党委对党支部上报的预备党员转正的决议,应当在三个月内审批。审批结果应当及时通知党支部。党支部书记应当同本人谈话,并将审批结果在党员大会上宣布。
A Party member’s length of Party standing shall be counted from the day when the probationary period reaches completion and they are converted to a full Party member.
Article 35 If the work or study unit (place of residence) of a prospective Party member whose probationary period has not yet reached completion changes, it shall be promptly reported to the original Party organization. The original Party organization shall promptly act diligently and responsibly to introduce the situation regarding their cultivation and education and testing and assessment to the Party organization that receives the probationary Party member.
第三十五条 预备期未满的预备党员工作、学习所在单位(居住地)发生变动,应当及时报告原所在党组织。原所在党组织应当及时将对其培养教育和考察的情况,认真负责地介绍给接收预备党员的党组织。
The Party organization shall strictly review the admission materials of the transferring probationary Party member and for probationary Party members who cannot be identified it shall report to a Party committee organization department at or above county level for approval and not grant recognition.
Article 36 A primary-level Party organization may, when the probationary period reaches completion, should they deem it necessary, postpone discussion of conversion to full member of transferred-in probationary Party members; the delay shall not exceed six months. For those who are converted into full Party members, the time of their conversion shall be counted from the date on which the probationary period reaches completion.
第三十六条 基层党组织对转入的预备党员,在其预备期满时,如认为有必要,可推迟讨论其转正问题,推迟时间不超过六个月。转为正式党员的,其转正时间自预备期满之日算起。
Article 37 After a probationary Party member is converted into a full member, the Party branch shall promptly submit the Chinese Communist Party Letter of Expression of Aspiration to Join, the Party application form, the political review materials, the conversion application form, and the cultivation and education and testing and assessment materials to the Party committee to be deposited into the person in question’s personnel file. If there is no personnel file, establish a Party member file, to be kept by the Party committee or the organization department of the county-level Party committee.
第三十七条 预备党员转正后,党支部应当及时将其《中国共产党入党志愿书》、入党申请书、政治审查材料、转正申请书和培养教育考察材料,交党委存入本人人事档案。无人事档案的,建立党员档案,由所在党委或县级党委组织部门保存。
Chapter 6 Leadership and Discipline for Party Member Development Work
第六章 发展党员工作的领导和纪律
Article 38 Party committees at all levels should put Party member development work on the important agenda and incorporate it into the Party building work responsibility system as an important part of Party building work reporting, evaluation, assessment, and Party affairs disclosure.
第三十八条 各级党委应当把发展党员工作列入重要议事日程,纳入党建工作责任制,作为党建工作述职、评议、考核和党务公开的重要内容。
For Party member development work, city (prefecture, state, league) and county (city, district, banner) Party committees shall perform inspections once every six months, and provincial, autonomous region, and municipality-under-central-government Party committees shall perform inspections once annually. Inspection results shall be promptly reported up and circulated downwards.
Attention shall be paid to Party member development from among young workers, peasants, and intellectuals, and the structure of Party member ranks shall be optimized. For primary-level Party organizations that have the conditions to develop Party members but have not done Party member development work for a long time, higher-level Party committees should strengthen guidance, and supervision and inspection, and when necessary should carry out organizing and rectification.
Article 39 Organization departments of Party committees at all levels should report to the Party committee at the same level and the organization department of the higher-level Party committee every year on the situation regarding Party member development work and on Party member development work plans, and shall truthfully reflect tendentious issues and the situation regarding the investigation and punishment of Party member development in violation of regulations.
第三十九条 各级党委组织部门每年应当向同级党委和上级党委组织部门报告发展党员工作情况和发展党员工作计划,如实反映带有倾向性的问题和对违反规定发展党员的查处情况。
Article 40 Party committees at or above the county level and their organization departments shall attach importance to the selection, allocation, and training of organizers and give full play to their role in Party member development work.
第四十条 县以上党委及其组织部门应当重视对组织员的选拔、配备和培训,充分发挥他们在发展党员工作中的作用。
Article 41 Party organizations at all levels should seriously investigate and deal with violations of discipline and regulations and unhealthy practices in Party member development work. Criticism and education shall be given for those Party organizations and their responsible persons, and persons directly responsible, that fail to adhere to standards, fail to perform procedures, exceed the time limit for review and approval, are in dereliction of duty in cultivation and testing and assessment, and fail to strictly review; if the circumstances are serious disciplinary action shall be taken. Typical cases should be promptly circulated, and those whose absorption into the Party was in violation of regulations shall as a blanket rule not be recognized, and it shall be announced at a branch general meeting.
第四十一条 各级党组织对发展党员工作中出现的违纪违规问题和不正之风,应当严肃查处。对不坚持标准、不履行程序、超过审批时限和培养考察失职、审查把关不严的党组织及其负责人、直接责任人应当进行批评教育,情节严重的给予纪律处分。典型案例应当及时通报,对违反规定吸收入党的,一律不予承认,并在支部大会上公布。
Those who use falsification or other means to develop into Party members people who do not meet the conditions of Party members, or who issue Party membership certificates for non-Party members, shall be dealt with severely in accordance with discipline and law.
Article 42 The format of the Chinese Communist Party Letter of Expression of Aspiration to Join shall be formulated by the Organization Department of the Central Committee and provincial-level Party committee organization departments shall uniformly print it according to the format and strictly manage it.
第四十二条 《中国共产党入党志愿书》的式样由中央组织部负责制定,省级党委组织部门按照式样统一印制,并严格管理。
Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions
第七章 附 则
Article 43 The Central Organization Department is responsible for the interpretation of these detailed rules.
第四十三条 本细则由中央组织部负责解释。
Article 44 These detailed rules shall be implemented from the date of issuance. The Chinese Communist Party Detailed Rules for Party Member Development Work (for Trial Implementation) (ZZF [1990] No. 3) shall be repealed at the same time.
第四十四条 本细则自发布之日起施行。《中国共产党发展党员工作细则(试行)》(中组发〔1990〕3号)同时废止。