提高一体推进“三不腐”能力和水平 全面打赢反腐败斗争攻坚战持久战
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Improving Capacity and Competence for Integrated Promotion of the ‘Three Not Corrupts’ and Comprehensively Winning the Battle and Protracted War Against Corruption

提高一体推进“三不腐”能力和水平 全面打赢反腐败斗争攻坚战持久战

On a semi-regular basis, the CCP Politburo holds a “study session,” led by an outside academic or government expert on a selected topic. Such sessions are important signals as to what issues the senior leadership find important. The June 18, 2022 session focused on anti-corruption measures within the Party and was led by an official at the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission.

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■ The fight against corruption, as the biggest political matter, affecting the people’s hearts and minds, is a major political struggle that we cannot afford to lose and must not lose. We must deepen our understanding of building good Party conduct and clean government and fighting corruption in the new situation, improve capacity and competence for promoting as an integrated whole ‘not daring to, not being able to, and not wanting to be corrupt,’ and win comprehensively the battle and protracted war against corruption.

■ 反腐败斗争关系民心这个最大的政治,是一场输不起也决不能输的重大政治斗争。要加深对新形势下党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的认识,提高一体推进不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐能力和水平,全面打赢反腐败斗争攻坚战、持久战

■ Since the 18th Party Congress, we have achieved remarkable results and accumulated important experience in the struggle against corruption. First has been the building of an anti-corruption work setup under comprehensive Party leadership. We have built robust anti-corruption work systems and mechanisms for which the Party Centre conducts unified leadership, Party committees at all levels exercise coordinated command, discipline inspection commissions and supervision commissions organize and coordinate, and functional departments efficiently cooperate, and which the people participate in and support. Second has been to take treating symptoms as the entry point, incorporating the treatment of root causes into the treatment of symptoms, seeing that Party members and cadres ‘dare not’ be corrupt due to their reverence, ‘are not able’ to be corrupt due to institutions, and ‘do not want’ to be corrupt due to their own awareness. Third has been to always adhere to the principle of never wavering from the dominant tone of strictness, punishing corruption with a zero-tolerance attitude, resolutely curbing any increase and reducing existing stocks [of corruption], solemnly investigating and dealing with corruption issues that hinder the implementation of the Party’s theories, lines, principles, and policies or that seriously damage the foundation of the Party’s governance, resolutely eliminating two-faced people who show outward devotion to the Party but harbor inner opposition (对党阳奉阴违) and corrupt elements who do not restrain themselves, deepening anti-corruption work in key areas, and ensuring our attitude doesn’t change, determination doesn’t wane, and standards do not loosen. Fourth has been to tighten the institutional cage to prevent corruption. We have formed a complete set of relatively well-developed intra-party regulation and anti-corruption legal systems, strengthened the binding nature of systems, prevented the “broken window effect,” looped together discipline enforcement and law enforcement, strengthened comprehensive efficiency, and ensured that various regulations and systems take root. Fifth has been to build an ideological dam that resists corruption and denigration, using ideals and beliefs to strengthen and consolidate the foundations, using the Party’s innovative theory to arm the whole Party, and using fine traditional culture to right hearts and elucidate morals, taking sufficient spiritual “calcium” supplements, forging the “soul” of the mind, and building a solid ideological and moral line of defense. Sixth has been to strengthen constraints on and supervision over the exercise of power, deepening the reform of the Party’s discipline inspection system and the reform of the national supervision system, achieving full coverage of intra-party supervision and full coverage of public functionary supervision, strengthening the Party’s self-supervision and mass supervision, looping together the discovery of problems, encouragement of rectification, promotion of reform, and improvement of systems, and educating and guiding Party members and cadres to use power with impartiality, in accordance with law, with integrity, and for the people.

■ 党的十八大以来,我们在反腐败斗争中取得了显著成效、积累了重要经验。一是构建起党全面领导的反腐败工作格局,健全了党中央统一领导、各级党委统筹指挥、纪委监委组织协调、职能部门高效协同、人民群众参与支持的反腐败工作体制机制。二是从治标入手,把治本寓于治标之中,让党员干部因敬畏而“不敢”、因制度而“不能”、因觉悟而“不想”。三是始终坚持严的主基调不动摇,以零容忍态度惩治腐败,坚决遏制增量、削减存量,严肃查处阻碍党的理论和路线方针政策贯彻执行、严重损害党的执政根基的腐败问题,坚决清除对党阳奉阴违的两面人、不收敛不收手的腐败分子,深化重点领域反腐败工作,态度不变、决心不减、尺度不松。四是扎紧防治腐败的制度笼子,形成了一整套比较完善的党内法规体系和反腐败法律体系,增强制度刚性,防止“破窗效应”,贯通执纪执法,强化综合效能,确保各项法规制度落地生根。五是构筑拒腐防变的思想堤坝,用理想信念强基固本,用党的创新理论武装全党,用优秀传统文化正心明德,补足精神之“钙”,铸牢思想之“魂”,筑牢思想道德防线。六是加强对权力运行的制约和监督,深化党的纪律检查体制改革、国家监察体制改革,实现党内监督全覆盖、对公职人员监察全覆盖,强化党的自我监督和群众监督,把发现问题、推动整改、促进改革、完善制度贯通起来,教育引导党员干部秉公用权、依法用权、廉洁用权、为民用权

■ The struggle against corruption has attained an overwhelming victory, which has been comprehensively consolidated, but the situation remains difficult and complex. We must not underestimate the stubbornness and harmful nature of corruption, and we must see the fight against corruption through right to the very end. We must push forward as an integrated whole toward not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt [i.e. the ‘Three Not Corrupts’]. We must have all three exerting their strength at once, in the same direction, and with an aggregate effect. We must integrate into one whole the powerful deterrent effect associated with ‘not daring to be corrupt,’ the binding institutional constraints associated with ‘being unable to be corrupt,’ and the ideological and educational advantages of ‘not wanting to be corrupt;’ and use the ‘full-cycle management’ approach to press for the various measures to cooperate with each other on policy orientation, promote each other during the implementation process, and complement each other in terms of work results.

■ 反腐败斗争取得压倒性胜利并全面巩固,但形势依然严峻复杂。我们对腐败的顽固性和危害性绝不能低估,必须将反腐败斗争进行到底。一体推进不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐,必须三者同时发力、同向发力、综合发力,把不敢腐的强大震慑效能、不能腐的刚性制度约束、不想腐的思想教育优势融于一体,用“全周期管理”方式,推动各项措施在政策取向上相互配合、在实施过程中相互促进、在工作成效上相得益彰

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 18: On the afternoon of June 17, the CCP Politburo held its 40th collective study session on ‘not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt.’ While presiding over the study session, General Secretary of the CCP Central Committee Xi Jinping emphasized that the fight against corruption, as the biggest political matter, affecting the people’s hearts and minds, is a major political struggle that we cannot afford to lose and must not lose. We must deepen our understanding of building good Party conduct and clean government and fighting corruption in the new situation, improve capacity and competence for promoting as an integrated whole ‘not daring to, not being able to, and not wanting to be corrupt,’ and win comprehensively the battle and protracted war against corruption.

新华社北京6月18日电  中共中央政治局6月17日下午就一体推进不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐进行第四十次集体学习。中共中央总书记习近平在主持学习时强调,反腐败斗争关系民心这个最大的政治,是一场输不起也决不能输的重大政治斗争。要加深对新形势下党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的认识,提高一体推进不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐能力和水平,全面打赢反腐败斗争攻坚战、持久战。

Liu Meipin, director of the Case Supervision and Management Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, gave an explanation on the issue and offered work suggestions. Comrades from the CCP Politburo listened carefully to the explanation and held a discussion.


Xi Jinping, while presiding over the study session, delivered important remarks. He emphasized that the courage to perform self-revolution is the distinctive character developed by the Party over its hundred years of struggle. In various periods of history, the Party has insisted on strict Party management and governance. Entering a new era, we have introduced a series of new ideas, new thinking, and new strategies for advancing the fight against corruption, have incorporated comprehensive strict Party self-governance into the ‘Four Comprehensives’ strategic arrangement, and explored an effective path to escape the historical cycle (历史周期率) by relying on self-revolution. Through its unprecedented struggle to combat corruption and uphold integrity, the Party has won the historical initiative of maintaining its flesh-and-blood ties with the people and the people’s heartfelt support. It has won the historical initiative of a high degree of Party-wide uniformity, of walking at the forefront of the times, and of leading the people to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


Xi Jinping pointed out that, since the 18th Party Congress, we have achieved remarkable results and accumulated important experience in the fight against corruption. First has been the building of an anti-corruption work setup under comprehensive Party leadership. We have built robust anti-corruption work systems and mechanisms for which the Party Centre conducts unified leadership, Party committees at all levels exercise coordinated command, discipline inspection commissions and supervision commissions organize and coordinate, and functional departments efficiently cooperate, and which the people participate in and support. Second has been to take treating symptoms as the entry point, incorporating the treatment of root causes into the treatment of symptoms, seeing that Party members and cadres ‘dare not’ be corrupt due to their reverence, ‘are not able’ to be corrupt due to institutions, and ‘do not want’ to be corrupt due to their own awareness. Third has been to always adhere to the principle of never wavering from the dominant tone of strictness, punishing corruption with a zero-tolerance attitude, resolutely curbing any increase and reducing existing stocks [of corruption], solemnly investigating and dealing with corruption issues that hinder the implementation of the Party’s theories, lines, principles, and policies or that seriously damage the foundation of the Party’s governance, resolutely eliminating two-faced people who show outward devotion to the Party but harbor inner opposition and corrupt elements who do not restrain themselves, deepening anti-corruption work in key areas, and ensuring our attitude doesn’t change, determination doesn’t wane, and standards do not loosen. Fourth has been to tighten the institutional cage to prevent corruption. We have formed a complete set of relatively well-developed intra-party regulation and anti-corruption legal systems, strengthened the binding nature of systems, prevented the “broken window effect,” looped together discipline enforcement and law enforcement, strengthened comprehensive efficiency, and ensured that various regulations and systems take root. Fifth has been to build an ideological dam that resists corruption and denigration, using ideals and beliefs to strengthen and consolidate the foundations, using the Party’s innovative theory to arm the whole Party, and using fine traditional culture to right hearts and elucidate morals, taking sufficient spiritual “calcium” supplements, forging the “soul” of the mind, and building a solid ideological and moral line of defense. Sixth has been to strengthen constraints on and supervision over the exercise of power, deepening the reform of the Party’s discipline inspection system and the reform of the national supervision system, achieving full coverage of intra-party supervision and full coverage of public functionary supervision, strengthening the Party’s self-supervision and mass supervision, looping together the discovery of problems, encouragement of rectification, promotion of reform, and improvement of systems, and educating and guiding Party members and cadres to use power with impartiality, in accordance with law, with integrity, and for the people.


Xi Jinping emphasized that corruption is a manifestation of the long-term accumulation and continuous fermentation of various bad factors within the Party, and to fight corruption is to struggle against all the different pathogens that weaken the Party’s advanced nature and damage the Party’s purity. This kind of struggle is extremely complicated and extremely difficult, and in it there can be no room for concessions and compromises. We must always maintain the courage to face the problem and the firmness to turn the blade inward (刀刃向内) [i.e. to rectify one’s own faults], resolutely cut out the tumor, remove the source of poison, and eliminate the toxic influence, ensuring the Party never deteriorates in order to guarantee that the red territory (红色江山) never changes color.


Xi Jinping pointed out that the struggle against corruption has attained an overwhelming victory, which has been comprehensively consolidated, but the situation remains difficult and complex. We must not underestimate the stubbornness and harmful nature of corruption, and we must see the fight against corruption through right to the very end. We must push forward as an integrated whole toward not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt. We must have all three exerting their strength at once, in the same direction, and with an aggregate effect. We must integrate into one whole the powerful deterrent effect associated with ‘daring not to be corrupt,’ the binding institutional constraints associated with ‘being unable to be corrupt,’ and the ideological and educational advantages of ‘not wanting to be corrupt;’ and use the ‘full-cycle management’ approach to press for the various measures to cooperate with each other on policy orientation, promote each other during the implementation process, and complement each other in terms of work results.


Xi Jinping stressed the need to strengthen the centralized, unified leadership of the Party Centre over anti-corruption work, give full play to the Party’s political advantages, organizational advantages, and institutional advantages, consolidate the responsibility of Party committees (Party groups) at all levels for comprehensive strict Party self-governance, especially the responsibility as first person in charge of ‘Number One leaders,’ implement the supervision duties of relevant functional departments, and improve the responsibility setup for managing and governing the Party in which each performs their own responsibilities, and there is unified coordination. We must integrate and coordinate the anti-corruption struggle with the Party’s political building, ideological building, organizational building, work style building, discipline building, and institutional building, and give play to the important roles of political supervision, ideological education, organizational management, work style rectification, discipline enforcement, and institutional improvement in the prevention and control of corruption, fighting well the total war.


Xi Jinping pointed out that we need to maintain the vigilance and intensity of zero tolerance, promote in a coordinated way the fight against corruption in all fields, see that those reoccurring old problems gradually recede until they are no longer committed, see that it is difficult for certain gestating new problems to spread, resolutely curbing the increase and clearing the stock. We must accurately grasp the stage-specific characteristics and changing trends of corruption, focus on key areas and key links, unswervingly ‘fight tigers,’ ‘swat flies,’ and ‘hunt foxes,’ resolutely clean up industry-specific and systemic corruption involving big risks and hidden dangers, and effectively prevent and resolve corruption risks and related economic and social risks. All regions and departments must closely take account of the actual situation, conduct in-depth analysis of the situation in their own political ecosystems, identify the prominent manifestations, key areas, and occurrence-prone links of corruption, focus on rectification in a targeted manner, and make all-out efforts to achieve practical results.


Xi Jinping emphasized that we need to start from the source, improve the institutions and mechanisms for managing power and governing officials, and prevent, control, and manage corruption in a more normalized and long-term manner. We must focus on reducing opportunities for corruption, grasp efforts regarding key powers such as policy formulation, decision-making procedures, approval and supervision, and law enforcement and the administration of justice, be strict about duties and powers, standardize work procedures, strengthen constraints on power, and reduce the use of power to improperly interfere in microeconomic activities. We must effectively prevent the growth of corruption, move the line of defense against corruption forward, strengthen daily management and supervision, accurately use the ‘Four Forms,’ and grasp problems when they are early and small, prevent the small from worsening, and fortify defenses level upon level. We must carry forward the glorious tradition and fine work style of the Party, carry out targeted Party education and warning education, use clean culture to nourish the body and mind, establish a cadre assessment and evaluation system that meets the requirements of the new era and new stage, and pay attention to the education and guidance of young cadres. We must establish a linkage mechanism for early warning and punishment of corruption, strengthen analysis and research on new features of techniques of corruption such as their stealthy mutation, renovation, and upgrading, and improve our ability to promptly detect and effectively deal with corruption problems.


Xi Jinping pointed out that we must deepen the reform of the supervision system of the Party and the state, give intra-party supervision the leading role, press towards integrating forces and combining work of the different types of supervision, and strengthen the full coverage and effectiveness of power supervision, ensuring that power is not abused. We must improve the intra-party regulation system and the state legal system and accelerate the improvement of laws and regulations to fight corruption involving foreign affairs. We must strictly implement systems and internalize compliance with regulations and discipline within the ideological and political consciousness of Party members and cadres. In carrying out self-revolution, we must also pay attention to relying on the people, relying on the support and help of the people to solve our own problems.


Xi Jinping emphasized that comprehensive strict Party self-governance and progress in the anti-corruption struggle must start by being strict with leading cadres, especially senior cadres. The higher one’s position and the greater one’s power, the more one must have reverence in one’s heart and must be strict in one’s self-discipline. Leading cadres, especially senior cadres, must manage themselves, and must also manage their family members and relatives, manage people and matters around them, and manage the atmosphere of the fields under their direct and delegated jurisdiction. They must take the lead and fulfill their responsibilities in fostering a clean and upright political ecosystem, forming clean relationships between comrades and orderly relationships between superiors and subordinates, adhering to cordial and clean relationships between government and business, and creating an enthusiastic and earnest social environment. Comrades in the CCP Politburo must adhere to the highest standards in practicing strict self-discipline. They must be the first to do what they require the whole Party to do, and they must resolutely abstain from doing what they forbid the whole Party to do.


Xi Jinping pointed out that disciplinary inspection and supervision organs must take the initiative to respond to the new situation and new challenges in the struggle against corruption, deepen their understanding of the laws of managing and governing the Party and the laws of the anti-corruption struggle, continuously improve their work capacity and competence, actively accept supervision from the Party and society in all aspects, and use the spirit of self-revolution to resolutely prevent ‘darkness under the light’ (灯下黑) [i.e. problems that go unnoticed because they are right under one’s nose]. Disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres must be loyal, resolute, selfless, and fearless, always stand with the spirit of the Party, enforce discipline impartially and use power prudently, and dare to be good at struggling, so as to truly let the Party Centre rest at ease and the people be satisfied.


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中共中央政治局 (Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee). "Improving Capacity and Competence for Integrated Promotion of the ‘Three Not Corrupts’ and Comprehensively Winning the Battle and Protracted War Against Corruption [提高一体推进“三不腐”能力和水平 全面打赢反腐败斗争攻坚战持久战]". CSIS Interpret: China, original work published in People's Daily [人民日报], June 19, 2022

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