Xinhua (Beijing), April 29 — The Politburo of the Communist Party of China (CCP) Central Committee convened a meeting on April 29. It analyzed and studied the current economic situation and economic work, and deliberated the National Talent Development Plan for the 14th Five-Year Plan Period [2021–2025]. The General Secretary of the CCP Central Committee, Xi Jinping, presided over the meeting.
新华社北京4月29日电 中共中央政治局4月29日召开会议,分析研究当前经济形势和经济工作,审议《国家“十四五”期间人才发展规划》。中共中央总书记习近平主持会议。
The meeting held that since the start of this year, in the face of a complex situation resulting from the overlapping of unseen-in-a-century changes with the once-in-a-century pandemic, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, all localities and departments have effectively coordinated epidemic prevention and control with socio-economic development, China’s economic operation has on the whole achieved a smooth start [this year], and we successfully held the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and the Winter Paralympic Games. These achievements were not easy to come by.
The meeting pointed out that COVID-19 and the Ukraine crisis had led to an increase in risks and challenges. The complexity, severity and uncertainty in China’s economic development environment have risen; stable growth, stable employment and stable prices now face new challenges. It is crucial to effectively carry out economic work and practically protect and improve people’s wellbeing. We must firm our confidence, overcome difficulties, and ensure that the major principles and policies of the Party Central Committee are fully implemented.
The meeting stressed that the epidemic must be kept under control, the economy must be kept stable, and development must be secure. These are clear requirements of the Party Central Committee. According to the new characteristics of virus mutation and spread, we must:
— coordinate efficiently epidemic prevention and control with socio-economic development;
— 高效统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展
— adhere unwaveringly to the principle of the people as paramount and lives as paramount;
— 坚定不移坚持人民至上、生命至上
— persist in preventing foreign importation and domestic resurgence [of the COVID virus];
— 坚持外防输入、内防反弹
— persist in the dynamic zero policy;
— 坚持动态清零
— protect the people’s lives and health to the maximum possible extent; and
— 最大程度保护人民生命安全和身体健康
— minimize the epidemic’s impact on socio-economic development to the greatest possible degree.
— 最大限度减少疫情对经济社会发展的影响。
The meeting set out the following requirements:
— increase macro policy adjustments, firmly stabilize the economy, strive to realize the anticipated economic and social development goals for the year, and keep the economy operating within reasonable parameters;
— 要加大宏观政策调节力度,扎实稳住经济,努力实现全年经济社会发展预期目标,保持经济运行在合理区间。
— accelerate the implementation of policies already set, execute effectively policies such as tax rebates, tax cuts and fee reductions, and make good use of various monetary policy tools;
— 要加快落实已经确定的政策,实施好退税减税降费等政策,用好各类货币政策工具。
— rapidly devise policy tools to increase demand, increase the intensity of targeted interventions, and achieve the appropriate preparedness and redundancy for goal-guided policies;
— 要抓紧谋划增量政策工具,加大相机调控力度,把握好目标导向下政策的提前量和冗余度。
— make every effort to expand domestic demand, realize the key role of effective investment, strengthen assurances for land use, energy use and environmental impact assessment, and so on, and strengthen basic infrastructure construction across the board;
— 要全力扩大国内需求,发挥有效投资的关键作用,强化土地、用能、环评等保障,全面加强基础设施建设。
— give play to the driving role of consumption in economic cycles;
— 要发挥消费对经济循环的牵引带动作用。
— stabilize market participants, and implement a package of relief and assistance policies targeted at sectors, micro, small and medium enterprises, and sole proprietors, that have been seriously hit by the epidemic;
— 要稳住市场主体,对受疫情严重冲击的行业、中小微企业和个体工商户实施一揽子纾困帮扶政策。
— effectively carry out the work of ensuring supply and price stability of energy and resources, and effectively ensure spring plowing and preparation work;
— 要做好能源资源保供稳价工作,抓好春耕备耕工作。
— effectively safeguard and improve people’s wellbeing, stabilize and expand employment, organize the supply of important commodities related to the people’s wellbeing, ensure the core functions of urban centers are operational, stabilize and control the situation regarding safe production, and safeguard overall social stability; and
— 要切实保障和改善民生,稳定和扩大就业,组织好重要民生商品供应,保障城市核心功能运转,稳控安全生产形势,维护社会大局稳定。
— adhere to [the notion of having] one coordinated national strategy, ensure transportation and logistics are unobstructed, and ensure the normal operations of priority industrial and supply chains, enterprises supplying and supporting the anti-epidemic effort, and key basic infrastructures.
— 要坚持全国一盘棋,确保交通物流畅通,确保重点产业链供应链、抗疫保供企业、关键基础设施正常运转。
The meeting stressed the need to effectively control key risks and hold the bottom line of ensuring that no systemic risks emerge. We must:
— adhere to the position that housing is for people to live in and not for speculation;
— 坚持房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的定位
— support localities improving their real estate policies on the basis of local realities;
— 支持各地从当地实际出发完善房地产政策
— support the needs of inelastic housing demands and demands from those upgrading from their existing properties;
— 支持刚性和改善性住房需求
— improve the supervision of commercial [residential] property presale capital; and
— 优化商品房预售资金监管
— promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.
— 促进房地产市场平稳健康发展。
We must respond promptly to the concerns of the market, steadily push forward stock issuance registration system reform, actively bring in long-term investors, and maintain the smooth operation of capital markets.
We must promote the healthy development of the platform economy, complete certain rectification projects, implement regularized supervision, and introduce specific measures to support its regulated and healthy development.
The meeting pointed out that we must persist in taking care of our own affairs. [We must:]
— accelerate the construction of a new development paradigm;
— 加快构建新发展格局
— deepen unswervingly supply-side structural reform;
— 坚定不移深化供给侧结构性改革
— use reforms as a method by which to solve problems in development;
— 用改革的办法解决发展中的问题
— accelerate the realization of high-level technological self-reliance; and
— 加快实现高水平科技自立自强
— build a strong and resilient national economic circulation system.
— 建设强大而有韧性的国民经济循环体系。
We must also persist in expanding high-level openness to the outside world, actively respond to the appeals of foreign-funded enterprises doing business in China regarding the ease of doing business and so on, and stabilize the fundamentals of foreign trade and investment.
The meeting stressed that leading cadres at all levels must have a “never complacent” sense of responsibility, take charge, be practical and pragmatic, and prevent all kinds of “black swan” and “grey rhino” events. Party committees and governments at all levels must unite and lead cadres and the masses to work together tenaciously and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Party Congress with practical action.
The meeting pointed out that the preparation of the National Talent Development Plan for the 14th Five-Year Plan Period [2021–2025] is an important task arranged by the Party Central Committee. It is a concrete measure in implementing the spirit of the Central Conference on Talent Work [of September 2021], and an important special plan of the national 14th Five-Year Plan. We must comprehensively strengthen the leadership of the Party in talent work, firmly establish the strategic position of talent-led development, and comprehensively cultivate, bring in, and harness talent.
The meeting emphasized that we must stick to the key arrangements and advance in stages, and accelerate the building of [China into] a key world talent center and innovation highland. Beijing, Shanghai, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area should maintain high standards and strive to become model zones for building talent highlands. Some cities with concentrations of high-level talent should take effective measures to build platforms to attract and gather talent, and accelerate the formation of strategic pivot points and flying geese patterns [for talent development].
We must:
— 大力培养使用战略科学家
— vigorously train and harness scientists of strategic [importance];
— 打造大批一流科技领军人才和创新团队
— develop a large number of first-class scientific and technological leaders and innovation teams;
— 造就规模宏大的青年科技人才队伍
— create a large-scale troop of young scientific and technological talent; and
— 培养大批卓越工程师。
— train a large number of outstanding engineers;
The focus of talent development should be on supporting and cultivating basic research talent, and providing them with long-term and stable support. We must deepen the reform of the systems and mechanisms for talent development and build a platform for work and entrepreneurship by all kinds of talent.
— 强化主体责任,
Party committees (Party groups) at all levels must:
— 完善党管人才工作格局
— strengthen their direct responsibilities;
— 统筹推进人才工作重大举措落地生效
— improve the work paradigm under which the Party is in charge of talent;
— 积极为用人主体和人才排忧解难
— coordinate and promote the implementation of major initiatives on talent work to ensure their effectiveness;
— 加强对人才的政治引领和政治吸纳
— actively solve problems for employers and talent;
— 引导广大人才爱党报国、敬业奉献,胸怀祖国、服务人民。
— strengthen political leadership over, and political absorption of, talent; and