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Preparing for the Worst, How China Should Respond to Extreme Tariff Policies


Three Chinese economists from JD.com lay out potential impacts of tariffs that U.S. President Donald Trump vowed to impose on China, arguing that U.S. domestic concerns will most likely reduce the duration and magnitude of such measures, thereby minimizing their impacts on the Chinese economy. They argue that regardless of the scale of Trump’s trade actions, Beijing should seek to bolster its national strength through proactive international trade integration with other countries.

Key takeaways
  • Three JD.com economists contend that several “internal contradictions” could hold back Trump’s extreme tariffs, including supply chain disruptions, inflation, and U.S. national debt. For this reason, they surmise that Trump may not fully implement tariffs as high as the threatened 60% on all Chinese products and that the two countries will most likely resolve their differences through trade negotiations.
  • The authors further suggest that even if Trump fully implements extreme tariffs on Chinese imports, the medium- and long-term impacts will not be as profound as the numbers might imply. Considering the export sector is what they call China’s “most flexible and market-oriented" sector, they maintain that Beijing can and has already responded to potential U.S.-China trade frictions in various ways, such as expanding its trade and investment in ASEAN countries, industrial upgrading, and re-exporting. 
  • To counter potential tariffs from the second Trump administration, the authors propose Beijing pursue numerous policy actions. These include promoting trade between China and other countries, beyond the United States; supporting Chinese companies in overseas expansion; actively participating in the negotiation of new trade agreements such as the CPTPP; and strengthening social safety nets and boosting domestic demand.

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In what can be called a strong comeback, U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has won the U.S. election in a landslide and helped the Republican Party win both houses of Congress. The financial markets have also reacted to the many policy proposals Trump made during his campaign, such as imposing sweeping tariffs and further cutting taxes.


After the election results came out, the U.S. dollar index rose to its highest level in more than a year, the RMB exchange rate faced downward pressure, and China’s stock market rebound was also suppressed. Facing the return of Trump, how should China respond?


Considerable uncertainty remains over tariff policy


In a previous article, we pointed out that Trump’s policy proposals have five major internal contradictions: Tariffs disrupting the supply chain and not helping to boost the U.S. manufacturing industry; tariffs, tax cuts, and other policies triggering inflation; deficit expansion potentially affecting U.S. macroeconomic stability; America First weakening the United States’ international leadership; and deportation of immigrants widening divisions in the United States.


Under these circumstances, we believe that some of Trump’s extreme policies towards China, such as the policy of imposing a 60% tariff on all Chinese products, may not be fully implemented. Under conditions of highly integrated global supply chains, a substantial increase in tariffs would impact the manufacturing industry in the United States. In addition, inflationary pressures in the United States will also restrict the Trump administration’s policy space.


A more likely scenario is that China and the United States will bridge their differences through trade negotiations. Even if Trump imposes tariffs, their timing is likely to be later, and the scope and rates of the tariffs will be significantly less than those advocated during the campaign.


During Trump’s 2016 campaign, he claimed he would impose a 45% tariff on Chinese products, but the final average tariff level was 15.5%, and some products continued to maintain a zero-tariff rate. Trump also threatened in 2017 to impose tariffs of 35% on German and Japanese car companies that were manufacturing in Mexico but targeting the U.S. market, but this was ultimately not implemented.


Impact of an extreme scenario on China


In an extreme scenario, Trump’s tariff policies and cancellation of “permanent normal trade relations” could have a considerable impact on China’s aggregate demand in the short term. Even so, in the medium term, with the flexible adjustment of China’s export sector, the impact would be significantly weakened.


Trump’s extreme proposals include imposing tariffs of up to 60% on all Chinese exports, canceling China’s “permanent normal trade relations treatment,” and gradually ceasing to import necessities from China. He also plans to prevent China from buying U.S. real estate and various industries. Even Chinese automakers producing cars in Mexico for export to the United States would be subject to high tariffs.


If re-exports from Hong Kong, China, are included, China’s exports to the United States accounted for about 3.2% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2023. Taking into account the impact of multiple factors including the simultaneous reduction of processing trade imports, hedging against exchange rate depreciation, and spillover effects, we estimate that if U.S. tariffs are fully implemented or the “permanent normal trade relationship treatment” is canceled, the impact on China’s aggregate demand may exceed the level of 2018.


In 2018, when the United States only imposed relatively mild tariffs on some Chinese products, China’s export growth rate rapidly fell from over 10% in the first three quarters of 2018 to near-zero growth in 2019. At the same time, the U.S. share of China’s exports also fell sharply from 19.2% in 2018 to 16.8% in 2019. In fact, partly due to the impact of China-U.S. trade friction, China’s GDP growth rate, which remained at 6.9% in the first half of 2018, fell to 5.9% in the second half of 2019, a decline of one percentage point.


In the medium to long term, however, administrative measures are no match for market forces. The export sector is China’s most flexible and market-oriented sector and can respond to tariff barriers in a number of ways.


On one hand, with the support of policies, Chinese companies have increased their efforts to go global, achieving a global presence and bypassing U.S. barriers. For example, China’s direct investment in ASEAN has risen markedly in recent years. In 2023, China’s direct investment in ASEAN reached a record high of U.S. $25.12 billion. Vietnam’s performance is particularly notable. China-U.S. trade and the COVID-19 pandemic have strengthened the trend of continued foreign investment inflows into Vietnam, with registered foreign direct investment (FDI) in Vietnam reaching a record U.S. $18.5 billion in 2023. In addition to Japanese and Korean investment, many Chinese manufacturing companies have also made Vietnam their first choice for avoiding U.S. tariffs and transferring production. In terms of export product structure, the share of intermediate products in Chinese export continues to rise, which also reflects to some extent the effects of Chinese enterprises’ globalized layouts.


On the other hand, Chinese exporting enterprises have also continued to maintain their market share through methods such as industrial upgrading and OEM re-exporting. We note that the share in Chinese exports of labor-intensive products, which are considered to be the easiest to achieve production chain transfer, has not declined significantly. Feedback from the front lines shows that even in traditional industries such as clothing and shoes, the value added of individual products is rising significantly.


Looking at longer-term data, the openness of the Chinese economy has not declined due to the impact of U.S. tariffs. In 2023, China’s exports of goods and services as a share of GDP was even higher than in 2018. China’s share of the global export market has also increased compared to 2018, showing that the export sector has maintained strong competitiveness. In terms of export structure, ASEAN has replaced the United States and the EU as China’s largest trading partner. Even in terms of China-U.S. trade, while the share of Chinese goods in the U.S. import market in 2023 had indeed declined compared to 2018, the absolute size was still higher than the 2018 level. In terms of China’s trade surplus with the United States, the 2023 figure of U.S. $336.1 billion was also higher than the U.S. $323.3 billion in 2018.


Effects of other policies on China


Apart from tariff policies, Trump’s tax cut and energy policies, and the possible continuation of the technology blockade, may also have certain impacts on China, but to relatively mild degrees.


First, Trump’s tax cut policy may boost the U.S. dollar in the short term, which will to some extent result in depreciation of China’s currency and pressure on capital outflows, affecting investment and consumption.


Capital outflows and a decline in risk appetite may lead to pressure on prices of assets such as domestic stocks and real estate, which would restrict consumption growth through the wealth effect. However, rising real interest rates in the United States may attract more capital, and the trends of declining FDI in China and rising outward FDI may be strengthened.


Second, Trump advocates speeding up the process of U.S. oil and gas extraction and eliminating the Biden administration’s subsidies for clean energy, which may lower crude oil prices and put downward pressure on China’s consumer price index (CPI).


Trump believes that U.S. inflation is mainly affected by energy prices, so he wants to expand domestic energy production, encourage the use of fossil fuels, and achieve a fall in U.S. inflation. Considering that after the “shale oil revolution,” the United States has become the world’s largest producer of crude oil, the effect of Trump’s policies on the global crude oil market cannot be ignored. For China, crude oil is, after food, the commodity with the single greatest impact on the CPI. If the price of crude oil falls, not only will the CPI sub-items of transportation and communication related to crude oil come under downward pressure, but oil prices will also affect prices in China’s core CPI through input-output relationships and inflation expectations.


Finally, Trump may continue to implement the Biden administration’s “small yard, high fence” strategy, restricting the flow of high-tech products and technologies from the United States to China, which would not be conducive to China’s industrial upgrading.


There had been a clear tightening of controls on China’s high-tech products and technologies in Trump’s first term. In 2018, the United States amended the Export Control Reform Act, further strengthening the authority of the U.S. Department of Commerce to impose controls on U.S. exports in the name of “security.” The Department of Commerce has accordingly added more Chinese technology companies to the Entity List and strengthened reviews of exports of technology products and technologies. In May 2020, the United States introduced the Foreign Direct Product Rules, which directly target semiconductor companies in countries and regions other than the United States, prohibiting those companies from using equipment and products derived from 16 categories of U.S.-origin technology and software and exporting them to enterprises on the Entity List. The “small yard, high fence” strategy proposed by the Biden administration is a further optimization and strengthening of Trump’s policies.


Considering the broader context of China-U.S. strategic competition, the Trump administration may well continue policies inherited from the Biden administration. Moreover, the possibility of a further expansion of the scope of control cannot be ruled out.


How should China respond?


In our view, in the face of the short-term impact on China of the return of the Trump administration, on one hand, China should increase imports from the United States appropriately and strive to resolve differences between the two sides through trade negotiations; on the other hand, China needs to step up counter-cyclical adjustments, and in particular increase fiscal stimulus to stabilize aggregate demand. In the medium to long term, China needs to concentrate on doing its own things well, expand opening-up, promote reform, and enhance its overall national strength. This is the best response to Trump’s return.


In the Phase One trade deal between China and the United States, China agreed to increase imports of agricultural products, energy, and manufactured goods from the United States, but afterwards the deal was not effectively implemented due to the impact of the pandemic. China can use state-owned enterprises to increase purchases from the United States, for example, thereby increasing imports from the United States and easing China-U.S. trade imbalance pressure. At the same time, China should strive to negotiate with the United States to resolve trade differences and minimize the scope and magnitude of U.S. tariffs.


In addition, external uncertainties and deflationary pressures also mean that domestic countercyclical policies still need to be strengthened. Considering that exchange rate depreciation has restricted the room for monetary policy easing, fiscal policy must play a greater role in maintaining steady growth. The RMB 12 trillion local government debt swap program already launched has achieved good results. Not only have financial and government fiscal risks decreased, but the improvement in local government cash flow can also improve the operating conditions of enterprises and the disposable income of residents by repaying debts to enterprises and making up back pay of civil servants, promoting a recovery in demand and improving market confidence as well.


However, current fiscal stimulus efforts are still insufficient. It is still necessary to further expand the general public budget deficit and expand the scale of special bond and special treasury bond issuance in 2025. In addition, the direction of fiscal stimulus may be more important than its scale. Continued expansion of “trade-ins” to support the upgrading of consumer goods and equipment, greater efforts to enhance subsidies for low-income people, and even wide distribution of consumption vouchers to directly stimulate consumption—all these should be backup options for responding to the Trump impact.


In the medium term, China can respond to external pressure on four levels:


First, it should adhere to a free trade orientation, continue to promote economic and trade exchanges between China and other countries, and create more favorable conditions for the adjustment of the export sector after its space in the U.S. market shrinks. For some of the risks that Chinese exporting enterprises may face in exploring new markets, government fiscal departments can appropriately help enterprises share costs by implementing measures such as subsidies for export credit insurance, as long as they comply with international rules.


Second, support for the global layout efforts of Chinese enterprises should continue to be increased. Even in the event that the United States takes extreme measures against China, it is relatively unlikely that the United States will simultaneously impose tariffs on products from all countries. Overseas layouts help Chinese enterprises reduce risks. A noteworthy issue is the need to reform the mechanism for assessing local governments, shifting from GDP to GNP (gross national product). Returns on Chinese overseas investments and the wages of Chinese citizens on overseas assignments are counted toward GNP, but not GDP.


Third, given that the focus of global trade liberalization is shifting from goods to services, investment, and digital trade, and from “border measures” such as tariffs to “domestic institutional requirements” such as fair competition, China should actively participate in the negotiation of a new generation of economic and trade agreements (such as the CPTPP), and use opening-up to promote reform. It should promote domestic institutional reforms such as expanded investment access, increased opening-up of the service industry, and competitive neutrality across types of ownership, and accelerate the development of the digital economy. Progress in these reforms will not only allow the trade sector to better participate in the international division of labor, but also enhance China’s overall economic competitiveness.


Finally, with China’s trade surplus set to reach a record high and the trade surplus as a share of GDP set to rebound in 2024, China also needs to promote income distribution reform, refine the social security system, boost domestic demand and consumption, and reduce excess savings. After the real estate sector has undergone in-depth adjustment, finding new economic engines will benefit China’s economic growth and help China’s economy achieve external “rebalancing.”


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樊磊 (Fan Lei), 姜传钺 (Jiang Chuanyue), 沈建光 (Shen Jianguang). "Preparing for the Worst, How China Should Respond to Extreme Tariff Policies [做最坏的打算,中国如何应对极端关税政策?]". CSIS Interpret: China, original work published in Caijing [财经], November 26, 2024

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