学习问答 | 83.为什么说政治安全是国家安全的根本?
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Study Q&A | 83. Why Is Political Security the Foundation of National Security?

学习问答 | 83.为什么说政治安全是国家安全的根本?

This is translation of a section of a Q&A series explaining theories from Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, published in the People’s Daily. This section deals with the concept that political security is inseparable from national security, explaining that “political security is directly connected to the life and death of the Party and country”.

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In December 2010, large-scale anti-government demonstrations broke out in many places in Tunisia, and a great many people took to the streets, eventually forcing the then President Ben Ali to step down. The turbulent wave of the so-called Arab Spring immediately swept across more than 10 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, and many regimes collapsed. The reasons for this were very complicated, but fragile political security and vulnerability to manipulation and subversion by external forces was an important factor. Today, the Arab Spring has already turned into an Arab Winter. Not only has it failed to bring about the “democratic freedom” that the people had hoped for, but instead it has led to fragmented sovereignty, social disorder, economic stagnation, and people’s misery. Iron-clad facts tell us that political security is the foundation of national security. Without political security, there would be no national security of which to speak.


General Secretary Xi Jinping points out that political security involves the stability of national sovereignty, political power, systems, and ideology; is the most fundamental need of a country and is the basic condition for the survival and development of all countries. If a country cannot be independent externally and has political turmoil internally, it is impossible for it to safeguard its own interests and achieve long-term development. The core of political security is regime security and system security. China is a socialist country led by the Chinese Communist Party. The most fundamental thing to safeguarding political security is safeguarding the leadership and governing status of the Chinese Communist Party and safeguarding the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. Only by unswervingly safeguarding political security can we better safeguard national interests and realize the Party’s long-term governance, the country’s enduring peace and stability, and the people’s peace and contentment in life and work. Political security is directly connected to the life and death of the Party and country. In the body of national security, political security is the heart. When the heart stops beating, no matter the strength of the body, its vitality will be lost. Since the founding of New China, the new socialist regime has been under the blockade and containment of hostile forces, and the contest between the two ideologies and systems of socialism and capitalism has never stopped. Right up until now, all kinds of hostile forces have never stopped implementing Westernization and differentiation strategies against China, have never stopped carrying out subverting and sabotaging activities towards the leadership of the CCP and China’s socialist system, and have relentlessly attempted to devise “color revolutions” within China. General Secretary Xi Jinping alerts the entire Party: “If one day a complex situation like a ‘color revolution’ were to occur before our eyes, would our cadres all be able to stand up resolutely to defend the Party’s leadership and the socialist system?” On the fundamental issue of political security, we must always be as cautious as if treading on thin ice, always be prepared for danger in times of peace, must not make strategic or fatal mistakes, and must not have any ambiguity or wavering.


Political security is the fundamental guarantee for the people to live and work in peace and contentment. Safeguarding political security is where the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups nationwide lie. Without the cornerstone of political security, the good life that people desire would be nothing more than a castle in the sky. Along the way, we have gone from being poor and weak, and down and out, to being the second largest economy in the world and entering the ranks of middle-income countries. The people’s lives have undergone earth-shaking changes from insufficient food and clothing to an all-round moderately prosperous life. We have successfully fought floods, SARS, earthquakes, crises, emergency situations, and epidemics, effectively responding to all kinds of risks and challenges that endanger the fundamental interests of the people. The most important reason for this is that we have established a political regime and fundamental political system in which the people are the masters of the country, and established the core leadership position of the CCP, providing the fundamental prerequisite and continuous guarantee for realizing the interests of the people and safeguarding the safety of the people.


Political security determines and affects national security in each different field such as economic security, military security, and social security. National security is composed of security across multiple fields. The security of different fields is interconnected and mutually influencing, having both a conductive and linked effect. Among them, political security is the core and plays a decisive role, regulating and restricting security in other fields. Without the guarantee of political security, there can be no security in other fields of which to speak, and security issues in other fields must ultimately be reflected in the safeguarding of political security. We must plan and advance national security work in each different field from the elevated perspective of safeguarding political security, treat safeguarding political security as the primary task of coping with security risks and challenges in each field, and give full play to its role as a breakthrough point in coordinating security in the various fields.


“The clear-eyed prevent blight before it sets in; the wise plan for disasters the future may bring.” At present, the overall social and political situation in China is generally stable, but the situation faced in political security is very complex, and the task of safeguarding political security is very arduous. We must take precautionary measures and prevent the small and the gradual, always adhere to the leadership of the CCP, always adhere to the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, always maintain a taut ideological string, constantly enhance political acumen and political discernment, constantly improve the ability to prevent and resist political risks, and firmly grasp the initiative to safeguard political security.


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"Study Q&A | 83. Why Is Political Security the Foundation of National Security? [学习问答 | 83.为什么说政治安全是国家安全的根本?]", CSIS Interpret: China, original work published in People's Daily [人民日报], September 14, 2021

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