Original Source: Guancha
An online publication launched in 2012, positioning itself as an aggregator of global news that places global trends and developments in the context of a changing China.
In this interview, Xu Poling, a Russia expert at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, reflects on lessons learned from recent research trips to the country. He seeks to explain Russia’s relative resilience in the face of sanctions, concluding several factors are at work – the quick imposition of strict outbound capital controls, forced sales of foreign currency to increase central bank holdings, insistence on selling gas to Europe in rubles, and de-dollarization efforts since 2014.
This article was written during the consultation period for new national security legislation through Article 23 of Hong Kong’s Basic Law. Shao Shanbo, previous head of the former Hong Kong Central Policy Unit (a government think tank advising the Chief Executive that was revamped under a new name in 2018), addresses criticism voiced within Hong Kong and by external observers over the bill’s potential breadth. Prominently, he argues that terms such as “incitement” are not vague because they have been clarified by legal precedents within the city’s common law system.
In the wake of the publication of China’s first algorithm regulations, this article reflects on potential pitfalls and difficulties in implementing these groundbreaking policies.
An interview with a researcher at one of China’s top universities on how the Common Prosperity concept seeks to make China’s labor laws, tax code, and state-owned enterprises more consistent with the basic principles of socialism.