Translation Tag: CCP Inc
Two executives and Party committee leaders at State Grid Corporation of China, the country’s largest state-owned electricity utility company, discuss the interplay between business considerations and national policy goals in international investment decisions.
Readout from meeting of Party members at China’s main owner and regulator of state-owned enterprises.
This article, written by a research director at the official Central Party School, addresses the role of politics and ideology in the management of state-owned enterprises (SOEs).
Originally published in a leading journal of political ideology and reposted on the website of the state’s commission for overseeing state-owned enterprises (SOEs), the prior governor of two provinces and current head of that same SOE commission provides interpretation of a formal Central Committee Decision that provides guidance about how reforms of SOEs should be enacted based on factors such as state vs mixed ownership, assets vs enterprises, and the domestic vs international market.
Article appearing in state media discusses role and importance of CCP committees in SOE decision making.
Commentary by former party secretary of a large state owned shipping conglomerate emphasizing the importance of CCP leadership in all aspects of SOE operations.
Regulations from the Central Committee guide SOEs to establish party committees within their organizations.