习近平在中共中央政治局第十六次集体学习时强调 强化使命担当 创新思路举措 狠抓工作落实 努力建设强大稳固的现代边海空防
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Xi Jinping Emphasized the Need to Strengthen our Sense of Responsibility, Foster Innovative Ideas and Measures, Do Solid Work in Implementing Policies and Plans, and Strive Towards Building Strong, Secure and Modern Border, Sea and Air Defense during the 16th Collective Study Session of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Politburo

习近平在中共中央政治局第十六次集体学习时强调 强化使命担当 创新思路举措 狠抓工作落实 努力建设强大稳固的现代边海空防

The CCP Politburo holds “collective study sessions” on a semi-regular basis, in which an outside academic or government expert leads a discussion on a selected topic. Such sessions are important signals as to what issues the senior leadership finds important. The 16th collective study session of the 20th Central Committee Politburo was held on July 31, 2024 and was presided over by Xi Jinping. At this session, Xi delivered a speech emphasizing the need to improve, strengthen and modernize the sea, air, and border defense systems to achieve China’s modernization and ensure overall national security.

Key takeaways
  • The Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee meets for "collective study sessions" on a semi-regular basis. The topics selected for such sessions act as a weathervane for top policy priorities of CCP senior leadership.
  • At the July 2024 study session, China's top policymakers, led by Xi Jinping, discussed the need to strengthen the military and border, sea, and air defense capabilities in particular.
  • According to Xi Jinping, strong and modern sea, air, and border defense systems are essential components for China to achieve modernization and "national rejuvenation."
  • In the face of "changes unseen in a century," Xi emphasized, strengthening China's border defense is of paramount importance; he called for better coordination between the Party, military, and civilian actors and for modernization of forces via science and technology.

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On the afternoon of July 30th, the CCP Central Committee Politburo held its 16th collective study session on promoting the building of modern border, sea and air defense. CCP Central Committee General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the study session and delivered an important speech. He emphasized that advancing the building of modern border, sea and air defense is an inherent requirement of national defense and modernizing the military. It is the needed approach to ensuring high-quality development with high-level security. It is of great significance to comprehensively promote the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation through a Chinese path to modernization. Xi Jinping stated that when building strong, stable, modern border, maritime, and air defenses, we must uphold the guidance of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to our overall national security and military strategy, coordinate both domestic and international imperatives, grasp the new circumstances, characteristics and requirements of the work to develop border, sea and air defense, strengthen our sense of responsibility, develop innovative ideas and measures, do solid work in implementing policies and plans, and strive towards building strong, secure and modern border, sea and air defense.


This CCP Central Committee Politburo collective study session was held on the eve of Army Day, August 1. On behalf of the CCP Central Committee and the Central Military Commission (CMC), Xi Jinping extended festive greetings to all commanders and soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army, officers and soldiers of the People’s Armed Police Force, military civilian personnel, and members of militia and reserve forces.


Comrade Huang Jizhong from the CMC’s Joint Staff Department gave a lecture on issues concerning the building of modern border, sea and air defense and put forward suggestions for this work. Members of the CCP Central Committee Politburo listened attentively to the lecture and held discussions.


Xi Jinping delivered an important speech after listening to the lecture and discussions. He pointed out that border, maritime, sea and air defense are important symbols of national sovereignty, crucial gateways for national security, and essential guarantees for national development, which our Party has always highly valued. Since the 18th CCP National Congress, the Central Committee has insisted on placing the development of border, sea and air defense in an important position in governing the country, strengthened the joint efforts of the Party, government, military, police, and civilians to strengthen the border defense, led a series of major reforms in the leadership and management system, structure of forces, and policy system concerning border, sea and air defense, commanded and carried out a series of major actions in this regard, having effectively defended our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and safeguarded national security and strategic initiative for development. Our country has made historic achievements in the development of our border, maritime, and air defenses, and is standing at a new starting point.


Xi Jinping emphasized that as the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century at an accelerating pace, the connotation and extension of our border, sea and air defense have changed dramatically, and the influencing factors are more intricate and complex, and the development of our border, sea and air defense faces new opportunities and challenges. We must adhere to systematic thinking, strengthen our overall coordination, and improve our overall capability to defend the nation and border security. It is necessary to coordinate the development of border, sea and air defense with the economic and social progress of border and coastal areas. We must strengthen infrastructure connectivity and collaborative construction and utilization, and develop a border, maritime, and air defense framework that effectively maintains security while supporting robust development. We must strengthen S&T empowerment, enhance the development of new methods and conditions for border, sea and air defense, and build an intelligent and multi-dimensional control system for border, sea and air defense. We should foster neighborly relations and pragmatic cooperation with neighboring countries to create a favorable surrounding environment for the development of border, sea and air defense.


Xi Jinping emphasized that we must conscientiously implement the principles of the third plenum of the 20th CCP Central Committee, deepen research into major issues related to border, sea and air defense, consolidate and enhance achieved reforms, ensure the completion of existing reform tasks, strengthen planning for future reforms, and promote innovative development of border, sea and air defense. We must ensure simultaneous actions on operation, reform and improvement, optimize the leadership management system of border, sea and air defense, improve the mechanism for military-civilian coordination, strengthen the relevant legal system, and ensure that all work related to border, sea and air defense is standardized, orderly, smooth, and efficient. We need to effectively manage national air traffic and promote the healthy development of the low-altitude economy. We should optimize the model for civil air defense development and build a modern civil air defense system.


Xi Jinping emphasized that border, sea and air defense involves multiple departments and levels across both military and civilian sectors. We must strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the CCP Central Committee, give full play to strengthening the combined efforts of the Party, government, military, police, and civilian sectors to reinforce border stability and national defense, strengthen military-civilian joint planning, task alignment and resource integration in border, sea and air defense, and improve coordination of command and action between the military, police, and civilians to see that they unite as one and make joint efforts. The military must proactively communicate and coordinate with local authorities. The relevant departments of the central and provincial governments, as well as local Party committees and governments, must strengthen their national defense awareness, conscientiously fulfill their duties, and implement all tasks related to the development and consolidation of national defense.


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中共中央政治局 (Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee). "Xi Jinping Emphasized the Need to Strengthen our Sense of Responsibility, Foster Innovative Ideas and Measures, do Solid Work in Implementing Policies and Plans, and Strive Towards Building Strong, Secure and Modern Border, Sea and Air Defense during the 16th Collective Study Session of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Politburo [习近平在中共中央政治局第十六次集体学习时强调 强化使命担当 创新思路举措 狠抓工作落实 努力建设强大稳固的现代边海空防]". CSIS Interpret: China, original work published in Xinhua News Agency [新华社], July 31, 2024

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