China is a developing country with global influence, and Latin America and the Caribbean (here collectively called “Latin America”) is the region with the highest concentration of middle- and high-income emerging economies in the world. Latin America consists of 33 countries and 12 independent territories, with a population of over 640 million and a total area of over 20.7 million square kilometers. It accounts for about 13.8% of the world’s land area, including about 1/3 of the world’s total arable land and 23% of the world’s total forest cover. It has the largest reserves of more than 20 basic mineral resources required by modern industry, as well as abundant oil and gas resources.1 Latin America’s geographical space, natural resource endowments, and cultural openness provide strategic support for its sustainable development. Since the beginning of the 21st century, after more than ten years of preliminary development that laid the foundation, China–Latin America relations are moving towards a new stage of putting down roots and developing in a sustainable manner. The establishment of the China–CELAC Forum mechanism in 2015 marked a major transformation in China–Latin America relations from “going with the flow” to “active planning.” Driven by high-level interactions, major breakthroughs were made in the construction of an overall China–Latin America cooperation mechanism, and the comprehensive cooperative relationship between the two sides has become increasingly close. Amid major adjustments and changes in the global pattern, China–Latin America relations are also undergoing a strategic transformation. The internal and external environment for the development of China–Latin America relations is undergoing complex and profound changes, and the two sides have experienced major changes in their strategic goals, strategic paths, cooperation concepts, and development drivers. Given that the statuses and roles of China and Latin America in the world are on the rise, China–Latin America relations are becoming increasingly global in nature. A deep understanding of the characteristics, motivations, and challenges in the transformation of China–Latin America relations will help the two sides further tap into each other’s strengths and promote the ongoing positive development of bilateral relations.
中国是一个具有全球影响力的发展中国家,拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区 (简称 “拉美”)是全球中高收入新兴经济体最为集中的地区。拉丁美洲由33个国家和12个未独立地区组成,人口数量超过6.4亿,总面积逾2070万平方千米, 约占世界陆地面积的13.8%, 其中可耕地面积占全球的 1/3,森林覆盖率占全球的23%,拥有现代工业所需最基本的20 多种矿物资源的绝大部分以及丰富的油气资源。拉美地区的地域空间、自然资源禀赋与文化开放性为其可持续发展提供战略性支撑。进入21世纪以来,经过夯基累台、立柱架梁十多年的发展,中国和拉美关系 (简称中拉关系) 正在向落地生根、持久发展的新阶段迈进。2015 年中拉论坛机制的创立,标志着中拉关系实现了从 “顺势而为” 到 “主动筹划” 的重大转变,在高层互动的促进下,中拉整体合作机制建设取得重大突破,全面合作关系日益紧密。在世界格局大调整、大变动的形势下,中拉关系亦处于战略转型之中。中拉关系发展的内部和外部环境都在发生复杂而深刻的变化,中拉双方在战略目标、战略路径、合作理念、发展动能方面也发生重大变化。鉴于中拉在世界格局中的地位和作用均呈现上升趋势,中拉关系越来越具有全球属性。深刻理解中拉关系转型的特征、动因及挑战,有利于进一步挖掘各自优势,推进双边关系持续向好发展。
I. The transformation of China–Latin America Relations and its Characteristics
Since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, it has been unwavering in its active participation in the process of economic globalization. China’s exchanges and interactions with various regions of the world have deepened to an unprecedented level, and the integration of Chinese interests with those of other regions has become increasingly close. Against this grand historical background, Latin America, located far away in the Western Hemisphere, has become China’s “new frontier” for exploring global markets, absorbing world resources, and exporting foreign investment. The development of China–Latin America relations has also entered a new stage of development, shifting over to the “fast lane.”2 Stimulated by the “super boom cycle” in commodities, China and Latin America have moved closer to each other based on their own development interests. In the decade from 2003 to 2013, Latin America became the fastest-growing region in China’s foreign trade and investment, and practical cooperation in economics and trade cooperation has achieved “leapfrog” development.
2001年中国加入世界贸易组织之后,以一往无前的姿态积极参与经济全球化进程, 中国同世界各个地区的交流与互动空前深化,彼此的利益融合日趋紧密。在这一宏大的历史背景下,遥居西半球的拉美成为中国开拓全球市场、吸收世界资源和输出对外投资的 “新边疆”,中拉关系的发展也进入一个全新的发展阶段,驶入 “快车道”。在大宗商品的 “超级繁荣周期” 的刺激下,中拉基于自身的发展利益而相互接近,2003年到2013年这十年间拉美成为整个中国对外贸易和投资中增长最迅速、幅度最大的地区,中拉务实经贸合作实现了 “跨越式” 的发展。
Since the 1990s, China has gradually established communication mechanisms with some countries in Latin America, but the development of bilateral relations has mainly proceeded from an economic perspective, focusing on traditional economic and trade areas, while the political agenda has been left far behind. There are two main reasons for this: First, the integration process in Latin America has been slow, the regional pattern of political “fragmentation” is more prominent, there is a lack of unified coordination organizations at the regional level, and China–Latin America structured dialogue lacks a supporting platform. Second, the United States has always regarded Latin America as its “geopolitical backyard.” In the context of the interventions that have come under the “shadow of U.S. rule,” Latin American countries generally have great doubts about China.3
20世纪90年代以来,中国与拉美地区的一些国家逐步建立了沟通机制,但双边关系的发展主要通过经济视角,聚焦于传统的经贸领域, 而政治议程则被远远地甩在后面。究其原因, 主要有二:一是因为拉美地区一体化进程较为滞后,地区政治 “碎片化” 格局较为突出,缺乏一个地区性的统一协调组织,中拉结构性对话缺乏一个依托平台;二是美国一直视拉美为其 “地缘政治后院”,在美国 “统治阴影” 的干预下,拉美国家普遍对中国抱有较大的疑虑。
Entering the second decade of the 21st century, with the acceleration of globalization and regional integration in Latin America, the above obstacles are gradually being removed. On the one hand, the awakening of a consciousness of unity and self-reliance among Latin American countries in 2011 led to the birth of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). This organization is the largest regional integration organization in the Western Hemisphere, covering all countries in the Americas except the United States and Canada. It has broad regional representation and political independence and laid the foundation that has allowed China’s new leadership to conduct comprehensive multilateral diplomacy. The establishment of the CELAC will not only reshape the relationship between Latin America and the United States but will also prompt Latin American countries to strengthen their ties with countries outside the region (especially China). On the other hand, China’s GDP ranks second in the world, its influence in global and regional affairs has increased significantly, and it has made historic progress in its relations with developed countries, neighboring countries, and developing countries. Based on their own development interests, more and more Latin American countries have begun to consider the “China factor” when formulating foreign policies. In this context, Chinese President Xi Jinping made his first foreign visit to three Latin American countries in 2013, laying the foundation for the launch of the China–Latin America cooperation mechanism. In January 2014, the CELAC Summit adopted the Special Statement on Supporting the Establishment of the China–CELAC Forum. In July of the same year, during President Xi Jinping’s attendance at the BRICS Meeting in Brazil, China and Latin America jointly announced the establishment of the China–CELAC Forum mechanism. At the time, this marked a historic breakthrough in the development of China–Latin America relations.
进入21世纪第二个十年,随着拉美全球化和区域一体化进程的加速,上述障碍逐渐被扫除。一方面,2011年拉美国家联合自强意识的觉醒促成了 “拉美和加勒比国家共同体” (简称 “拉共体”)的诞生,该组织是西半球最大的地区一体化组织, 囊括了除美国和加拿大外的所有拉美国家,具有广泛的地区代表性和政治独立性,为中国新一届领导人开展全方位多边外交奠定了基础。 “拉共体” 的建立不仅会重塑拉美与美国的关系,而且会促使拉美各国加强与域外国家 (尤其是中国)的联系。另一方面,中国经济总量已居世界第二位,在全球和地区事务中的影响力显著提升,同发达国家、周边国家和广大发展中国家关系都取得了历史性发展,越来越多的拉美国家基于自身的发展利益在制定对外政策时开始考虑 “中国因素”。在这样的背景下,中国国家主席习近平运筹帷幄,于2013年首次出访拉美三国,为开启中拉合作机制做了有益的铺垫。2014年1月,“拉共体” 峰会通过了 《关于支持建立中国— “拉共体”论坛的特别声明》,同年7月习近平主席在巴西参加 “金砖会议”期间,中拉双方共同宣布设立中拉论坛机制。至此,中拉关系的发展取得历史性突破。
In early 2015, the first ministerial meeting of the China–CELAC Forum was successfully held in Beijing, marking a new stage in which bilateral cooperation and overall cooperation between China and Latin America would go hand in hand and mutually encourage each other, and opening a new chapter in China–Latin America cooperation. With the establishment of the China–CELAC Forum mechanism in 2015 marking a milestone, China–Latin America cooperation has entered a period of strategic transformation, achieving a shift from “going with the flow” to “active planning.” “Seeking cooperation, promoting development, and seeking mutually beneficial results” has become the main theme of the development of China–Latin America relations. Driven by China’s vigorous diplomatic practice and relying on the China–CELAC Forum mechanism platform, China–Latin America relations have achieved a strategic transformation from “spontaneous reaction development” to “autonomous construction development.”4 Overall cooperation between China and Latin America has been steadily advancing in all fields, a mutually beneficial development pattern is gradually taking shape, and China–Latin America cooperation is entering a new era. The “Pacific consciousness” of Latin American countries and China’s Belt and Road Initiative are moving in the same direction. By building consensus around ideas and development, the top-level planning and implementation of both sides are mutually reinforcing, forming an organically connected chain from “strategic goals” to “strategic paths,” from “cooperation concepts” to “development drivers,” with the aim of achieving shared development results through the alignment of development strategies. The main characteristics of the transformation of China–Latin America relations are as follows:
2015年初,中拉论坛首次部长级会议在北京成功举行,标志着中拉关系进入双边合作与整体合作并行互促的新阶段,开启了中拉合作的新篇章。以2015 年中拉论坛机制的创立为里程碑,中拉合作进入战略转型期,实现了从 “顺势而为” 到 “主动筹划” 的转变, “谋合作、促发展、求共赢” 成为中拉关系发展的主线。在中方奋发有为的外交实践的推动下,依托中拉论坛机制平台,中拉关系实现了从 “自发反应型发展” 到 “自主构建型发展” 的战略转型③,中拉整体合作在各个领域稳步推进,互利共赢的发展格局日趋形成,中拉合作迈向新时代。拉美国家的 “太平洋意识” 与中国的 “一带一路” 倡议相向而行,通过凝聚思想共识和发展共识,中拉双方的顶层规划和实施落实相互支撑,形成了从 “战略目标” 到 “战略路径”、从 “合作理念” 到 “发展动能” 的有机衔接链条,旨在以发展战略对接实现发展成果共享。中拉关系转型的主要特征为:
First, using the Belt and Road Initiative as a means to build a “China–Latin America community of common destiny” is the “strategic goal” of comprehensive cooperation between China and Latin America. In July 2014, President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech entitled Striving to Build a Community of Common Destiny for Humanity at the China–Latin America and the Caribbean Leaders’ Meeting held in Brazil, proposing the development vision of building a “China–Latin America Community of Common Destiny” and clarifying for the first time the ultimate goal of China–Latin America cooperation. In January 2018, the Second Ministerial Meeting of the China–CELAC Forum adopted the Special Declaration on the Belt and Road Initiative. This was the first time that China and Latin America made it clear in an official document that Latin American and Caribbean countries are a “natural extension” of the Maritime Silk Road and indispensable participants in Belt and Road international cooperation. This symbolized that Latin America had officially joined the “big family” of the Belt and Road Initiative. At present, 16 Latin American countries have signed memorandums of understanding with China on jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative. The Belt and Road Initiative provides a new opportunity for China and Latin America to jointly create a new landscape of China–Latin America cooperation with a wider scope, better structure, stronger momentum, and higher quality.5
第一,以 “一带一路” 为媒,打造 “中拉命运共同体”,是中拉全面合作的 “战略目标”。2014年7月,习近平主席在巴西举行的中国—加勒比海国家领导人会晤上发表了 《努力构建携手并进的命运共同体》主旨讲话,提出构建 “中拉命运共同体” 的发展愿景,首次明确了中拉合作的终极目标。2018年1月中拉论坛第二次部长级会议通过了 《关于 “一带一路” 的特别声明》,这是中拉双发首次以官方文件的方式明确了拉美和加勒比国家是海上丝绸之路的 “自然延伸” 和 “一带一路”国际合作不可或缺的参与方,标志着拉美正式加入 “一带一路” 建设 “大家庭”。目前,拉美已经有16个国家与中国签署了共建 “一带一路” 合作谅解备忘录,“一带一路” 为中拉双方共同打造领域更宽、结构更优、动力更强、质量更好的中拉合作新局面提供了新契机。
Second, insisting on the parallel and mutual promotion of overall cooperation and bilateral relations is the “strategic path” for implementing comprehensive cooperation between China and Latin America. Comprehensive cooperation between China and Latin America is carried out at three levels: regional cooperation, sub-regional cooperation, and bilateral cooperation. At the regional cooperation level, China’s Policy Paper on Latin America and the Caribbean issued in November 2016 is a programmatic document guiding the comprehensive cooperation between China and Latin America in the context of the new situation. The document clearly points out that the China–CELAC Forum mechanism should be used as a platform to promote multilateral cooperation between China and Latin American and Caribbean countries and build a comprehensive and balanced overall cooperation network for China and Latin America. At the sub-regional level, there are more than a dozen sub-regional integration organizations in Latin America with varying degrees of integration, such as the Southern Common Market, the Andean Community, the Caribbean Community, the Union of South American Nations, and the Pacific Alliance. In one respect, different sub-regional organizations communicate with each other through the overlaps of their member states. In another respect, institutional arrangements among Latin American countries link different sub-regional integration organizations, so that sub-regional cooperation and overall cooperation can proceed in parallel.6 At the bilateral cooperation level, China, based on consolidating existing bilateral cooperation, actively promotes practical bilateral economic and trade cooperation by signing bilateral free trade agreements or economic complementarity agreements. Currently, China has signed free trade agreements with Costa Rica, Peru, and Chile, and is negotiating free trade agreements with Colombia and other countries.
第二,坚持整体合作与双边关系并行互促,是贯彻中拉全面合作的 “战略路径”。中拉全面合作通过三个层次铺开,即区域合作、次区域合作与双边合作。在区域合作层面,2016 年11 月出台的《中国对拉美和加勒比政策文件》是新形势下指导中拉全面合作的纲领性文件,该文件明确指出以中拉论坛机制为平台推动中国与拉美和拉勒比国家的多边合作,打造全面均衡的中拉整体合作网络。在次区域层面,拉美地区有十余个融合程度不一的次区域一体化组织,例如南方共同市场、安第斯共同体、加勒比共同体、南美洲国家联盟、太平洋联盟等。一方面,不同的次区域组织通过成员国的相互交叉而彼此沟通;另一方面,拉美国家之间的制度性安排又将不同的次区域一体化组织联系起来,因而次区域合作与整体合作可并行不悖地展开。在双边合作层面,中方在夯实原有双边合作的基础上,积极通过签订双边自贸协定或经济互补协议推进双边务实经贸合作。当前,中国已与哥斯达黎加、秘鲁和智利三国签订自贸协定,正在与哥伦比亚等国就签署自贸协议进行磋商。
Third, mutual benefit and refraining from targeting any third party are the “cooperation concepts” of China–Latin America comprehensive cooperation. China–Latin America relations are built on the foundation of “South-South cooperation” and are guided by the principles of mutual respect, equality, sincere cooperation, non-interference in internal affairs, and mutual benefit, which are fundamentally different from “North-South relations.”7 “North-South relations” refer to the relationships between developing countries and developed countries. These relations are full of contradictions and confrontations, as well as interdependence and cooperation. Their essence is to break the control and exploitation of developed countries over developing countries. “South-South cooperation” refers to cooperation among developing countries, most of which are located in the southern hemisphere. It aims to achieve common development goals through sharing knowledge, skills, expertise, and resources. It is an important way for developing countries to become self-reliant and seek progress. China and Latin American countries are all developing countries. They stand at similar stages of development and shoulder the same development tasks. Establishing a new type of economic cooperation relationship on the basis of equality and mutual benefit will help China and Latin America to deeply integrate into the world economic system, enhance each other’s status and role in global governance, and fully implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.8 China’s Policy Paper on Latin America and the Caribbean states: “The China–Latin America comprehensive cooperative partnership is based on equality and mutual benefit, with common development as its goal. It does not target or exclude any third party.”9 The development of China’s foreign relations is a comprehensive project. Friendly cooperation between China and Latin America is an organic part of China’s comprehensive diplomacy and will not supersede the existing exchanges and cooperation between the two sides with other countries and regions.
第三,互利共赢、不针对第三方,是中拉全面合作的 “合作理念”。中拉关系根植于 “南南合作” 的基石之上,以相互尊重、平等相待、真诚合作、不干涉内政和互利共赢为指导原则,这与 “南北关系” 有本质上的区别。“南北关系” 是发展中国家与发达国家之间的关系,既充满矛盾与对立,又有依存与合作,其实质是打破发达国家对发展中国家的控制和剥削。 “南南合作” 是指多数地处南半球的发展中国家之间的合作,旨在通过共享知识、技能、专长和资源实现共同的发展目标,是发展中国家自力更生、谋求进步的重要途径。中国与拉美国家同属发展中国家,处在相似的发展阶段,肩负着相同的发展任务。在平等互利基础上建立新型经济合作关系,有利于中拉双方深度融入世界经济体系,增强彼此在全球治理中的地位与作用,全面落实联合国 “2030 年可持续发 展议程”。《中国对拉美和加勒比政策文件》指出: “中拉全面合作伙伴关系以平等互利为基础,以共同发展为目标,不针对、不排斥任何第三方。”中国对外关系的发展是全方位的,中拉友好合作是中国全方位外交的有机组成部分,不会取代各自与其他国家、其他地区已有的交往与合作。
Fourth, trade, investment, finance, and production capacity cooperation are the “driving forces for development” of comprehensive cooperation between China and Latin America. Since 2013, Chinese leaders have proposed a series of major initiatives and measures to strengthen China–Latin America relations and cooperation in various fields, giving new impetus to the development of China–Latin America relations. In January 2015, China proposed to jointly build a new “1+3+6” framework for China–Latin America cooperation. “1” refers to “one plan,” namely the China–Latin American and Caribbean Countries Cooperation Plan (2015–2019); “3” refers to “three major engines”, namely, using trade, investment, and financial cooperation as the driving forces to promote the comprehensive development of practical cooperation between China and Latin America, and striving to achieve a trade volume of U.S. $500 billion and raise the stock of Chinese investment in Latin America to U.S. $250 billion within ten years; and “6” refers to “six major areas”, namely, focusing on energy resources, infrastructure construction, agriculture, manufacturing, scientific and technological (S&T) innovation, and information technology to promote the alignment of China and Latin America industries.10 Within the framework of jointly building the Belt and Road, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang proposed a new model of China–Latin America “3×3” production capacity cooperation when in Brazil in 2015. Namely, he proposed to use joint construction of three major channels in Latin America—logistics, electricity, and information—to achieve a virtuous interaction among enterprises, society, and government, and to expand the three financing channels of funds, credit, and insurance.11 Production capacity cooperation is a new breakthrough point in China–Latin America economic and trade cooperation. It not only meets the needs of Latin American countries for developing industry and infrastructure but will also promote the transformation and upgrade of China’s economic structure. It is also conducive to achieving developmental alignment between China and Latin America at a higher level.
第四,贸易、投资、金融与产能合作,是中拉全面合作的 “发展动能”。2013 年以来,中国领导人就加强中拉关系和各领域合作提出一系列重大倡议和举措,赋予中拉关系新的发展动力。2015年1月,中方倡议共同构建 “1+3+6” 中拉合作新框架,“1” 是 “一个规划”,即 《中国与拉美和加勒比国家合作规划 (2015—2019)》;“3” 是 “三大引擎”,即以贸易、投资、金融合作为动力,推动中拉务实合作全面发展,力争实现十年内中拉贸易规模达到5000亿美元、中国对拉投资存量达到2500亿美元; “6” 是 “六大领域”,即以能源资源、基础设施建设、农业、制造业、科技创新、信息技术为合作重点,推进中拉产业对接。在共建 “一带一路” 的框架内,2015年5月中国国务院总理李克强在巴西提出了中拉 “3×3” 产能合作的新模式,即通过共建拉美物流、电力、信息三大通道,实现企业、社会、政府三者良性互动,拓展基金、信贷、保险三条融资渠道。产能合作是中拉务实经贸合作的新突破口,不仅契合了拉美国家发展工业和基础设施的需求,还将推动中国经济结构转型升级,有利于在更高层面上实现中拉之间的发展对接。
II. Motivations for the transformation of China–Latin America relations
At present, China–Latin America relations have taken shape as an all-around, multi-level, and wide-ranging development layout bringing together both the government and private sector. The integration of China and Latin America’s interests has reached an unprecedented depth, bilateral relations have reached an unprecedented height, and bilateral relations are in their best period in history. In terms of development motivations, the progressive development of economic and trade cooperation, political mutual trust, summit diplomacy, and people-to-people exchanges is the endogenous driving force for the transformation of China–Latin America relations, while the changing era of global politics is the exogenous driving force for the transformation of China–Latin America relations.
当前,中拉关系已经形成全方位、多层面、宽领域和官民并举的发展局面。中拉利益融合达到了前所未有的深度,双方关系达到了前所未有的高度, 双边关系处于历史最好时期。在发展动因上,经贸合作、政治互信、首脑外交与人文交流的层层递进是推动中拉关系转型的内源性动力,而全球政治的时代变迁是推动中拉关系转型的外源性动力。
First, economic ties are the catalyst driving the transformation of China–Latin America relations. Trade, investment, and financial cooperation are the three major engines driving China–Latin America economic integration and symbiosis. First of all, the complementary advantages of their respective trade structures have driven the continued flourishing of China–Latin America trade. China’s huge demand for food, energy, metals, and minerals has benefited Latin American countries that export these products, as reflected in the continued rise in commodity prices and rapid export growth. According to statistics from the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL), from 2001 to 2010, Latin America’s average annual growth rate in commodity exports was 10.8%, with the price effect accounting for 5.5% and increased export volume accounting for 5.3%. Some scholars call this China–driven commodity price increase and export boom the “China effect.”12 In 2000, the volume of China–Latin America trade was only U.S. $12.6 billion. By 2011, it exceeded U.S. $200 billion, reached nearly U.S. $270 billion in 2017, and exceeded U.S. $300 billion in 2018, reaching a historic high.13 At present, China is Latin America’s second-largest trading partner after the United States, and the largest trading partner of several individual South American countries such as Brazil, Chile, and Peru. In addition, China’s investment in Latin America is trending upward. Currently, Latin America is the second largest destination for China’s overseas investment after Asia. As of the end of 2017, China’s investment stock in Latin America stood at U.S. $386.9 billion, accounting for 21.4% of total Chinese overseas investments.14 China’s investment structure in Latin America is becoming increasingly diversified. In addition to investment in the traditional infrastructure, energy, and mining sectors, it is also expanding into fields such as finance, agriculture, manufacturing, IT, services, e-commerce, and air transportation. Finally, financial cooperation has become a new driver that is further promoting the development of economic and trade cooperation. Data released by Inter-American Dialogue (IAD) and Boston University’s China–Latin America Finance Database (CLAF) show that from 2005 to 2017, Chinese policy banks provided more than U.S. $150 billion in development financing to Latin America, exceeding the combined total of the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB).15 Compared with Western multilateral financial institutions, China’s financing is not subject to policy conditions and combines a long-term strategic nature and strategic flexibility. Nearly 80% of China’s loans are used for infrastructure construction, which not only benefits Latin American countries in general, but also corrects the problem of insufficient infrastructure investment caused by market failures.16 This shows us that the common demand for economic growth has become an important catalyst for the rapid warming of China–Latin America relations.
第一,经济纽带是驱动中拉关系转型的 “催化剂”。贸易、投资和金融合作是驱动中拉经济融合共生的 “三大引擎”。首先,贸易结构优势互补带动了中拉贸易的持续繁荣。中国对食品、能源、金属和矿产品的巨大需求,使输出这些产品的拉美国家从中受益,表现为大宗商品价格的持续走高和出口的快速增长。据联合国拉美经委会 (CEPAL)统计,2001—2010年,拉美的商品出口平均年增长率为10.8%,其中价格效应为5.5%,出口量效应为5.3%,有学者将这种中国驱动的商品价格上升和出口繁荣称为 “中国效应”。2000 年中拉贸易量仅为126 亿美元,到2011 年突破2000 亿美元, 2017年达到近2700亿美元,2018年突破3000亿美元,创历史新高。目前,中国已是拉美仅次于美国的第二大贸易伙伴,是巴西、智利、秘鲁等南美国家的第一大贸易伙伴。其次,中国对拉美投资也呈现 “井喷”态势。当前,拉美是中国海外投资仅次于亚洲的第二大目的地,截至2017年末中国在拉美的投资存量为3869亿美元,占到中国海外投资的21.4%。中国对拉美投资结构日益多元化,除了传统的基础设施、能源矿产领域之外,日益向金融、农业、制造业、信息产业、服务业、电子商务、航空运输等领域拓展。最后,金融合作成为进一步推动经贸合作发展的 “新动力”。美洲国家对话组织 (IAD)和波士顿大学 “中拉融资数据库”(CLAF)披露的数据显示,2005—2017年中国政策性银行向拉美提供的开发性融资金额超过1500亿美元,超过世界银行和美洲开发银行 (IADB)的总和。相比于西方多边金融机构, 中方融资不附带政策条件, 兼具战略长期性和策略灵活性; 近 80%中方贷款用于基础设施建设,在使拉美各国普遍受惠的同时,可纠正市场失灵导致的基建投资不足的难题。可见,经济增长的共同需求成为中拉关系迅速升温的重要催化因素。
Second, political mutual trust is the ballast for the promotion of the transformation of China–Latin America relations. There are no territorial disputes or ideological disagreements between China and Latin America, and there are no fundamental contradictions or conflicts of interest. Since 1949, the development of China–Latin America relations have gone from non-existent to existent and then from small-scale, low-level exchanges to large-scale, high-level advancement. The political mutual trust and recognition of values formed through years of slow and steady friendly cooperation are the foundation for the rapid advance of the development of China–Latin America relations in the new century.17 Political mutual trust between China and Latin America is reflected at both the bilateral and multilateral levels. At the level of bilateral diplomacy, China has established “strategic partnerships” with 10 countries: Brazil (1993), Venezuela (2001), Mexico (2003), Argentina (2004), Peru (2008), Chile (2012), Costa Rica (2015), Ecuador (2015), Uruguay (2016), and Bolivia (2018). Latin American countries are indispensable participants in China’s “global partnership network.” Currently, the number of Latin American countries that have established diplomatic relations with China has increased to 24. After Panama established diplomatic relations with China in 2017, the Dominican Republic and El Salvador also established diplomatic relations with China in 2018. China’s “circle of friends” in Latin America continues to expand. At the level of multilateral diplomacy, China and Latin America have maintained close cooperation within multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations, the G20, and the BRICS, and have done a good job in communication and coordination on major issues such as UN reform, the international financial crisis, climate change, and food security.18 In 2016, Brazil joined the China–initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and became a founding member. In 2017, Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, and Ecuador also announced that they would join the bank. The deepening political mutual trust between China and Latin America has become ballast for the continued positive development of China–Latin America relations.
第二,政治互信是推动中拉关系转型的 “压舱石”。中国与拉美之间不存在领土纠纷和意识形态方面的争执,没有根本性的矛盾和利害冲突。从1949年以来,中拉关系的发展经历了从无到有,从小规模、低层次交流到大规模、高层次推进的过程;多年 “累积式”友好合作中所形成的政治互信和价值认同,是中拉关系在新世纪取得 “跨越式”发展的根基。中拉之间的政治互信体现在双边和多边两个层面。在双边外交层面,中国已与巴西 (1993)、委内瑞拉 (2001)、墨西哥 (2003)、阿根廷 (2004)、秘鲁 (2008)、智利 (2012)、哥斯达黎加 (2015)、厄瓜多尔 (2015)、乌拉圭 (2016)和玻利维亚 (2018)10国建立了 “战略伙伴关系”,拉美国家是中国 “全球伙伴关系网络” 不可或缺的参与方。当前,与中国建交的拉美国家已增加至24国。继2017年巴拿马与中国建交后,2018年多米尼加和萨尔瓦多也与中国建交,中国在拉美的 “朋友圈”不断扩大。在多边外交层面,中拉双方在联合国、20国集团、金砖国家等的多边框架中保持密切合作,就联合国改革、国际金融危机、气候变化、粮食安全等重大议题开展了良好的沟通与协调。2016年巴西加入中国发起的 “亚洲基础设施投资银行”(AIIB),成为创始成员国,2017年秘鲁、委内瑞拉、玻利维亚、智利、阿根廷和厄瓜多尔也宣布加入。中拉政治互信的日益加深,成为中拉关系持续向好发展的 “压舱石”。
Third, summit diplomacy is the top-level driving force for the transformation of China–Latin America relations. Summit diplomacy generally refers to a high-level diplomatic method in which the head of state or head of government who holds the highest authority in a country directly participates in and handles foreign affairs in various ways.19 Compared with traditional diplomatic methods, summit diplomacy has the characteristics of special status, direct effect, and rapidity and timeliness.20 In recent years, with the gradual strengthening of China–Latin America economic and trade cooperation, the heat and intensity of China–Latin America summit diplomacy have been increasing. This intensive summit diplomacy, in turn, has continuously driven the high-level operation of bilateral relations, thus forming a virtuous self-reinforcing cycle. Since 2013, President Xi Jinping has attached great importance to high-level exchanges between countries. In the past six years, he has visited Latin America four times, visiting more than a dozen Latin American countries, including major South American countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, and Peru, as well as smaller Central American and Caribbean countries such as Panama, Costa Rica, and Trinidad and Tobago. President Xi Jinping personally practices summit diplomacy, plans bilateral cooperation from a strategic perspective, and through intensive meetings with heads of state and government of Latin American countries, provides a “top-level driving force” that pushes China and Latin America to directly transform their mutual development needs into tangible results.
第三,首脑外交是推动中拉关系转型的 “顶层驱动力”。首脑外交一般是指由掌握国家最高权力的国家元首或政府首脑直接出面,以多种方式参与和处理对外事务的高层外交方式。与传统外交方式相比,首脑外交具有地位特殊、效果直接、迅速及时的特点。近年来,随着中拉经贸合作的逐步加强,中拉首脑外交的热度和力度日益提升,而密集的首脑外交反过来又不断驱动双边关系的高水平运行,由此形成良性循环互动。2013年以来,习近平主席高度重视国家之间的高层交往,在过去的6年内4 访拉美,足迹遍及十多个拉美国家,既囊括了巴西、墨西哥、委内瑞拉、阿根廷、智利、秘鲁等南美大国,又覆盖了巴拿马、哥斯达黎加、特立尼达和多巴哥等中美洲和加勒比小国。习近平主席身体力行践行首脑外交,从战略高度谋划双边合作,通过密集会晤拉美国家的元首和政府首脑,为中拉将彼此的发展诉求直接转化为现实成果提供了 “顶层驱动力”。
Fourth, people-to-people and cultural exchanges are the public opinion foundation for promoting the transformation of China–Latin America relations. The key to people-to-people bonds is mutual understanding. People-to-people connectivity is not only an important part of the Belt and Road Initiative, but also the fundamental pillar for consolidating the “China–Latin America Community of Common Destiny.” Cultural exchanges and mutual learning about each other’s civilizations between China and Latin America have enhanced mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of China and Latin America, built a bridge of “heart-to-heart communication,” and are the support and guarantee for the long-term steady development of China–Latin America relations. Since the launch of the China–CELAC Forum in 2015, China and Latin America have established dialogue and cooperation platforms covering fields such as political parties, infrastructure, agriculture, enterprises, S&T innovation, youth, think tanks, law, environment, local government cooperation, and people-to-people friendship. More than 20,000 people have directly participated in these activities, providing a mechanism to ensure the implementation of the development consensus and cooperation plans of both sides. At the same time, from 2015 to 2018, China invited more than 1,000 Latin American party leaders to visit China and more than 4,000 Latin American talents to study in China. In addition, Latin America has become the global region where Confucius Institutes are growing most rapidly. China has established 39 Confucius Institutes and 20 Confucius Classrooms in Latin America, and more and more Latin American people are interested in learning about Chinese culture. The “China–Latin America Cultural Exchange Year” established in 2016 has extended to many provinces and cities in China and nearly 30 Latin American and Caribbean countries. It is the largest cultural event jointly held by China and Latin America to date, bringing the two sides closer together.21 Although Chinese civilization and Latin American civilization are independent systems with their own distinctive characteristics, they both contain common ideas and pursuits that are the cumulative result of human development and progress, and both attach importance to values such as moderation, peace, diversity, openness, loyalty, forgiveness, and tolerance. The Chinese and Latin American people have discovered more shared values by coming to learn more about each other, which has ultimately produced a convergence effect, giving people in China and Latin America a fuller and more nuanced understanding of the other side.
第四,人文交流是推动中拉关系转型的 “民意基础”。民相亲在于心相通,“民心相通” 既是 “一带一路”倡议的重要内容,也是夯实 “中拉命运共同体”的基础柱石。中拉文化交流和文明互鉴,增进了中拉人民之间的相互了解和友谊,架起了 “心灵沟通”的桥梁,是中拉关系行稳致远的支撑和保障。自中拉论坛2015年启动以来,中拉双方设立了涵盖政党、基础设施、农业、企业、科技创新、青年、智库、法律、环境、地方政府合作、民间友好等多个领域的对话合作平台,直接参与人数超过 2万人次,为落实双方发展共识和合作规划提供了机制保障。与此同时,从2015年至2018年,中方累计邀请了拉方1000多位政党领导人访华,4000多名拉方人才赴华学习深造。此外,拉美成为全球 孔子学院发展最快的新兴地区。中国已在拉美建立了39所孔子学院和20个孔子课堂,越来越多的拉美民众热衷于学习中国文化。2016年设立的 “中拉文化交流年”覆盖中国多个省市和近30个拉美和加勒比国家,是迄今中拉共同举办的最大规模文化盛事,拉近了心灵之间的距离。中华文明与拉美文明虽各成体系、各具特色,但都包含人类发展进步所积淀的共同理念和共同追求,都重视中道和平、多元开放、忠恕宽容等价值观念。中拉人民在相互学习和借鉴中挖掘出了更多的价值认同共性,最终发生聚合效应,让中国形象和拉美形象在双方民众中更加立体和饱满。
Fifth, global political changes are the external driving force for the transformation of China–Latin America relations. The world is in a critical period of and the collective rise of emerging countries is reshaping the global political and economic landscape. The transformation of China–Latin America relations is consistent with the changing times in global politics. On the one hand, the status of the countries of the Global South in the world economy has seen an unprecedented rise, and the original “center-periphery” economic structure is being reshaped. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) believes that in the coming 20 years, the focus of the world economy will shift from OECD countries to emerging economies, a phenomenon known as the “global wealth transfer.”22 In terms of trade and investment structure, in 1970, the countries of the Global South accounted for only 24% of global trade and 18% of global investment. By 2012, these shares had risen to 51% and 50%, respectively. In terms of GDP structure, in 1970 the total GDP of Global South accounted for only 20% of the world’s total. By 2012, it had risen to 40%, and is expected to reach 55% by 2025.23 On the other hand, the status of the Global South in world politics has rapidly increased, and global governance has transitioned from the “North-dominated” stage to a stage of “North-South co-governance.” The change in the comparative allocation of economic power in the “North-South structure” has prompted the countries of the Global South to begin to join the ranks of the core countries of global governance. The idea that global governance does not mean governance by major powers, much less governance by Western powers, is gaining increased popularity and becoming a consensus in the international community.24 Although China’s status as a developing country has not changed, its own strength and external environment have undergone tremendous changes. China’s own policy orientation and development path have a more profound impact on the outside world and have taken their place at the center of the world stage. As the region with the highest concentration of developing countries, Latin America’s status in the world’s political and economic landscape has been on the rise, and it has become an indispensable force in global governance. Changes in the external environment have made China–Latin America relations increasingly global in nature. China and Latin America are working together and moving toward each other in global affairs, which has become an external driving force for the transformation of China–Latin America relations.
第五,全球政治变迁是中拉关系转型的 “外部驱动力”。世界正处于一个 “可塑的关键时期”,新兴国家的群体性崛起,正在重塑全球政治经济格局。中拉关系的转型与全球政治的时代变迁保持一致。一方面,南方国家在世界经济中的地位空前上升,原有的 “中心—边缘” 经济结构正在被重塑。经济合作与发展组织 (OECD) 认为,近20 年来世界经济的重心已经从经济合作与发展组织国家向新兴经济体转移,这一现象被称为 “全球财富转移”。从贸易和投资结构看,1970 年南方国家仅占全球贸易比重的24%、全球投资比重的18%, 到2012 年分别攀升至51% 和50%。从GDP 结构看,1970年南方国家的 GDP 总量仅占全球比重的20%,到2012年已经上升到40%,预计到2025年将达到55%。另一方面,南方国家在世界政治中的地位快速提升,全球治理由 “北方主导” 阶段过渡到 “南北共治” 阶段。“南北结构” 中经济实力对比关系的变化,促使南方国家开始进入全球治理的核心地带。全球治理不等于大国治理、更不同于西方治理的理念日益深入人心,成为国际社会共识。中国的发展中国家身份虽然没有变化,但自身实力和外部环境已经发生巨大变化,中国自身的政策取向和发展道路对外部世界的影响更加深刻,走到了世界舞台的中央。拉美作为一个发展中国家最为集中的地区,在世界政治经济格局中的地位不断上升,成为全球治理中一支不可或缺的力量。外部环境的变化使中拉关系越来越具有全球属性。中拉在全球性事务中携手合作、相向而行,成为驱动中拉关系转型的外部动力。
III. Challenges facing China–Latin America relations
In their cooperation and development, China and Latin America need each other, have complementary advantages, and present each other with opportunities. Since Latin America is geographically the farthest region from China, it has become the “final frontier” for China’s trade and investment. The rapid development of China–Latin America economic and trade relations shows that China has become a global trading and investment country.25 At present, Latin American diplomacy is an important part of China’s overall diplomacy and a touchstone against which China can measure the advance of its diplomacy as a global power. With the growth of China’s national strength and the advancement of the “Belt and Road” Initiative, Latin America has become a priority direction for China’s major power diplomacy. However, the “deep integration” in China–Latin America relations also faces a series of challenges.
中国与拉美合作发展互有需要、互有优势、互为机遇。拉美地区由于在地理上与中国相距最远,因此也成为中国贸易和投资的 “最后领地”,中拉经贸关系的快速发展表明中国成为全球性的贸易和投资国家。当前,拉美外交是中国整体外交的重要组成部分,也是中国推进全球性大国外交的 “试金石”。随着中国国家实力的增强和 “一带一路” 倡议的推进,拉美已成为中国大国外交的优先方向。然而,中拉关系的 “深度对接” 也面临一系列的挑战。
First, in terms of Latin America, changes to the regional situation pose challenges to the development of China–Latin America relations. Latin America is currently undergoing its most drastic political, economic, and diplomatic changes in more than a decade. The main reasons are as follows. One, the political structure is “suppression of the left and promotion of the right.” In the first 15 years of the 21st century, left-wing parties came to power in more than a dozen countries in Latin America. This phenomenon of the rise of the left was called the “pink wave.” However, due to the improper policies of left-wing parties and the global economic recession, the political ecosystem in Latin America has shown a trend toward “suppression of the left and promotion of the right” since 2015, with right-wing parties in Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile, and other countries coming to power through elections. This trend has gained further strength in 2018, an election year in Latin America, with 10 countries holding general elections. In countries such as Brazil, Paraguay, and Colombia, right-wing opposition and anti-establishment parties gained power, while left-wing parties have fallen into decline. In terms of time, the rapid development of China–Latin America relations overlapped with the “pink wave” in Latin America. Although the rapprochement between China and Latin America is based on the strategic needs of both sides rather than ideological similarities, right-wing parties will inevitably adjust their economic policies, which will indirectly affect the development of China–Latin America relations. Two, the economic recovery has been sluggish. Affected by the Argentine financial crisis, the economic downturn in Brazil, and the turmoil in Venezuela, Latin America’s economic growth rate in 2018 was 0.6%, lower than the average growth rate of the global economy in the same year (3.3%). The World Bank predicts an economic growth rate of 1.6% for Latin America in 2019.26 Although the high level of international commodity prices helped spur Latin America’s economic growth, the “spillover risks” of Sino–U.S. trade frictions have made Latin America’s economic recovery more “fragile.” Slow economic growth in Latin America has put forward higher requirements for the “quality improvement and upgrade” of China–Latin America economic cooperation. Three, diplomatic differences have intensified. The profound changes in Latin America’s political landscape have brought about a split in diplomatic stances. In April 2018, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, and Peru announced that they would indefinitely suspend their participation in the activities of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). In May of the same year, the 13 Latin American member states of the Lima Group announced that they would not recognize the results of the Venezuelan presidential election and the legitimacy of the Maduro government. In August, Colombia withdrew from the Union of South American Nations and Ecuador withdrew from the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA). The rift in diplomatic relations between Latin American countries has weakened the level of solidarity and cooperation among Latin American countries and also requires China to be more tactful and careful in attempting to strike a good balance when managing relations with individuals and groups. Four, there is insufficient internal development momentum within CELAC. The establishment of CELAC was a beneficial attempt to promote Latin American regional integration. It aimed to strengthen political coordination among countries in the region, reduce U.S. interference in Latin American affairs, and promote the diversified development of foreign relations. However, as a political entity, the development of CELAC is constrained by two regional powers: Brazil and Mexico. Brazil is the largest country in South America and hopes to reshape its “absolute leadership” in South America through CELAC. Mexico, which is geographically close to North America, hopes to strengthen its political identity in South America and reverse its declining regional influence.27 In addition, CELAC does not have a secretariat or a financial budget to support its policy agenda. The lack of these mechanisms will also limit its coordination capabilities. The China–CELAC Forum mechanism is a multilateral cooperation mechanism established based on the CELAC. In the future, the limited development prospects of CELAC will also affect the overall cooperation between China and Latin America.
第一,从拉美角度看,拉美地区形势的变化对中拉关系发展构成挑战。当前,拉美正处于十多年来最大规模的政治、经济与外交变局。主要为:其一,政治格局 “左抑右扬”。在21 世纪的前 15年,左翼政党先后在拉美十多个国家上台执政,这一 “左翼崛起” 现象被称为 “粉红浪潮”。然而,由于左翼政党的政策失当和全球经济衰退,2015年后拉美政治生态呈现出 “左抑右扬” 态势,阿根廷、巴西、秘鲁、智利等国的右翼政党通过选举上台执政。2018 年是拉美的选举年,共有10个拉美国家举行大选,这一趋势有所加强。在巴西、巴拉圭和哥伦比亚等国,右翼反对派和反建制政党纷纷得势,左翼政党转入低潮。在时间上,中拉关系的快速发展与拉美的 “粉红浪潮” 相互重叠。虽然中拉相互接近是基于双方的战略需要而非意识形态的相似性,但右翼政党难免要对其经济政策进行调整,从而也间接影响到中拉关系的发展。其二,经济复苏缓慢。受到阿根廷金融危机、巴西经济下滑和委内瑞拉局势动荡的影响,2018 年拉美经济增长率为0.6%,低于2018 年全球经济的平均增速 (3.3%)。世界银行预测2019年拉美经济的增速为1.6%。虽然国际大宗商品价格始终维持较高水平有利于拉美经济增长, 但中美贸易摩擦的 “外溢风险” 又使拉美经济复苏更为 “脆弱”。拉美经济低速增长为中拉经济合作 “提质升级” 提出了更高要求。其三,外交分歧加剧。拉美政治格局的深刻变化带来了外交立场上的分化。2018 年4 月, 阿根廷、巴西、智利、哥伦比亚、巴拉圭、秘鲁六国宣布无限期停止参加南美国家联盟 (UNASUR) 的活动。同年5 月, 利马集团的13个拉美成员国宣布不承认委内瑞拉总统大选的结果, 不承认马杜罗政府的合法地位。8月,哥伦比亚退出南美国家联盟,厄瓜多尔退出美洲玻利瓦联盟 (ALBA)。拉美国家之间的外交关系裂痕,削弱了拉美国家之间的团结协作程度,也要求中国在处理与个体及群体关系时要更加巧妙,注意掌握好分寸。其四,拉共体内部发展动力不足。拉共体的建立是推进拉美区域一体化的有益尝试,旨在加强区域内国家之间的政治协调,减少美国对拉美事务的干预,推动对外交往的多元化发展。然而,作为一个政治实体,拉共体的发展受到两个地区大国———巴西和墨西哥的共同牵制。巴西是南美地区最大国家,希冀通过拉共体重塑其南美地区的 “绝对领导力”;而墨西哥在地理上靠近北美,希望加强其在南美地区的政治认同,修正其日益下滑的区域影响力。此外,拉共体并未设置秘书处,亦无财政预算支撑其政策议程,这些机制的缺失也将制约其协调力度。中拉论坛机制是依托拉共体而设立的多边合作机制,未来拉共体的发展空间受限也会影响到中拉整体合作的开展。
Second, in terms of China, the imbalance in the economic and trade structure between China and Latin America and China’s insufficient understanding of Latin America restrict the development of bilateral relations. Reason one, the trade structure between China and Latin America is unbalanced. China’s strong demand for primary commodities has driven an export boom in Latin American countries. However, the commodities China imports from Latin America are mainly primary products such as soybeans, iron ore, crude oil, and copper. This trade model has given rise to concerns about “deindustrialization” among Latin American countries.28 According to data released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, from 2011 to 2016, in Latin America’s global export structure, primary product exports accounted for 50% and manufactured product exports accounted for 48.4%, respectively. In Latin America’s export structure to China, primary product exports accounted for 87.2%, while industrial manufactured products accounted for only 12.7%.29 As the prices of primary products entered a downward cycle from 2013 to 2016, the total value of Latin American exports to China fell by 25%. In 2017, the value of exports increased by 16% due to the rebound in primary product prices.30 The structure of Latin America’s exports to China is highly concentrated in natural resource products, making Latin America highly sensitive to fluctuations of the commodity boom and bust cycle. Reason two, China’s investment and financing in Latin America are unevenly distributed. China’s investment areas in Latin America continue to expand. In 2003, Chinese investment coverage in Latin America was 49%, which increased to 67.4% in 2017. In 2008, China had only 600 overseas enterprises in Latin America. By 2017, the number had grown to 2,200, an average annual growth rate of nearly 20%. However, in 2017, the global coverage of China’s overseas investment reached 81%, which is significantly higher than China’s investment coverage in Latin America.31 In terms of regional distribution, China’s investments in Latin America are overly concentrated in specific countries or regions, such as the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, and Ecuador, which account for more than 90% of China’s investment stock in Latin America. Financial cooperation is a new engine driving the rapid development of China–Latin America economic and trade relations. However, relying on the “loan-for-oil” model, more than half of China’s financial loans to Latin America are concentrated in Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, and Argentina.32 Reason three, China’s understanding of Latin America needs to deepen further. Latin American culture is deeply influenced by European Christian culture and also integrates Indigenous American culture and Black African culture. It is a rich, layered, diverse, and complex culture,33 which is quite different from Chinese culture in terms of language, institutions, values, and behavioral habits. As China–Latin America relations deepen, China’s understanding of Latin America is constantly evolving. Overall, however, Chinese research on Latin America is still in the exploratory stage. In the study of Latin America, “abstract concepts outnumber concrete knowledge, and vague impressions outnumber specific experiences.”34 As a global power, China should deepen its understanding and perception of Latin American culture and civilization in order to raise China–Latin America relations to a higher level of development.
第二,从中国角度看,中拉经贸结构的不均衡和中国对拉美认知的不足制约双边关系的发展。其一,中拉贸易结构不均衡。中国对初级商品的旺盛需求拉动了拉美国家的出口繁荣,然而中国从拉美进口的商品主要是大豆、铁矿石、原油、铜矿等初级产品,这种贸易模式给拉美国家带来了 “去工业化”(Deindustrialization)担忧。根据联合国贸发委员会发布的数据,2011年到2016年期间,在整 个拉美对全球的出口结构中,初级产品出口和制成品出口的比重分别是50%和48.4%;而在拉美对中国的出口结构中,初级产品出口占到87.2%,而工业制成品仅占12.7%。由于初级产品的价格在 2013年到2016年进入下跌周期,拉美对华出口商品的总价值下降25%;2017年由于受到初级产品价格反弹,价值上升16%。拉美对华出口结构高度集中于自然资源产品,让拉美过度受到大宗商品 “繁荣—萧条周期”波动的影响。其二,中国在拉美的投融资分布不均衡。中国在拉美的投资区域不断扩大,2003年中国对拉美地区的投资覆盖率为49%,到2017年已增至67.4%。2008年中国在拉美设立的境外企业仅为600家,到2017年已增长至2200家,年均增速近20%。但2017年中国对外投资的全球覆盖率达81%,明显高于中国对拉美地区的投资覆盖率。从地区分布看,中国在拉美地区投资过多地集中于开曼群岛、英属维尔京群岛、委内瑞拉、巴西、阿根廷、厄瓜多尔等国家或地区,占到中国对拉美投资存量的90%以上。金融合作是驱动中拉经贸关系快速发展的新引擎,然而依托 “贷款换石油”模式,中国对拉美金融借贷有一半以上集中在委内瑞拉、巴西、厄瓜多尔和阿根廷四国。其三,中国对拉美认知有待进一步深化。拉美文化深受欧洲基督教文化的影响,并融合了美洲印第安文化和非洲黑人文化,具有丰富性、质感性、多元性与复杂性等特征,在语言、制度、价值观念、行为习惯等方面与中华文化差异较大。随着中拉关系的日益深入,中国对拉美的认知程度已有日新月异的变化。但总体而言,中国对拉美地区的研究尚处于探索阶段。在对拉美的研究中, “抽象的概念多于具体的知识,模糊的印象多于确切的体验”。作为一个全球性大国,中国应深化对拉美文化和文明的理解与认知,以推动中拉关系迈向更高的发展水平。
Third, in terms of the United States, increased U.S. intervention in Latin American affairs will restrict the development of China–Latin America relations. Given Latin America’s geostrategic value as the U.S. “backyard” and the United States’ tradition of the “Monroe Doctrine,” Latin America has always occupied an important position in the global strategic deployment of the United States. Over the past few centuries, the fate of Latin America has largely “depended on its relationship with international power centers,” and the infiltration of external forces—especially the United States—has undermined Latin America’s independence. Due to the absolute advantage of the United States in comprehensive national strength and geopolitical position, Latin America has always been “independent but dependent, autonomous but subordinate.”35 Although the influence of the United States in Latin America has declined in recent years, the United States remains Latin America’s most important trading partner and investor, and its hegemonic position has not been fundamentally shaken. Since the Trump administration came to power in the United States, it has increased its intervention in the affairs of Latin America, mainly in the issues of Venezuela and Cuba. According to the New York Times, after Trump took office, the White House Security Council began to draft a gradually escalating “intervention roadmap” targeting Venezuela, which set out the circumstances under which the United States would militarily intervene in Venezuela, with the ultimate goal of overthrowing the left-wing government led by President Maduro.36 Since 2016, the United States has repeatedly imposed economic and financial sanctions on Venezuelan politicians and business people, including the Venezuelan president, worsening Venezuela’s economic difficulties and attempting to force President Maduro to step down through “economic strangulation.” On the issue of Cuba, the Trump administration reversed the policy of U.S.-Cuba reconciliation pursued by the Obama administration, and bilateral relations deteriorated sharply. After nearly 60 years of hostility, the United States and Cuba restored diplomatic relations in July 2015. After taking office, Trump condemned Cuba for its “dictatorship,” re-imposed travel and trade restrictions on Cuba, and imposed economic and commercial sanctions on 26 Cuban entities. U.S.-Cuba relations were once again “frozen.” In addition, the United States has also worked to suppress left-wing governments such as those in Bolivia and Nicaragua. As Latin American politics shifts to the right, the United States has tried to convince some right-wing countries to “take sides” and use issues such as Venezuela and Cuba to create regional divisions, thereby producing a negative impact on the unity of Latin American countries and the project of regional integration. The United States’ increased involvement in Latin American affairs has directly affected the political and social stability of the region and has also had a certain negative impact on cooperation between China and Latin America.
第三,从美国因素看,美国对拉美事务干预的加大会制约中拉关系的发展。鉴于拉美的 “后院” 地缘战略价值和美国的 “门罗主义”传统,拉美在美国的全球战略部署中始终处于重要地位。在过去的几个世纪中,拉美的命运在很大程度上 “取决于它和国际权力中心之间的相互关系”,外部力量的渗透———尤其是美国,损害了拉美的独立性。由于美国在综合国力和地缘政治方面的绝对优势,拉丁美洲始终是 “独立而依附的,自主而附属的”。近年来,虽然美国在拉美的影响力有所下降,但美国仍是拉美最重要的贸易伙伴和投资国,其霸权地位并未受到根本动摇。美国特朗普政府执政以来,加大了对拉美地区事务的干预力度,主要体现在委内瑞拉和古巴问题上。据 《纽约时报》披露,特朗普上任后,美国白宫安全委员会便酝酿起草了一份针对委内瑞拉的逐步升级的 “干预路线图”,其中设定美国会在何种情势下军事介入委内瑞拉,终极目标是推翻马杜罗总统领导的左翼政府。自2016年以来,美国已多次对委内瑞拉总统在内的政要和商界人士实施经济与金融制裁,恶化了委内瑞拉的经济困局,试图以 “经济绞杀”的方式迫使马杜罗总统下台。在古巴问题上,特朗普政府逆转了奥巴马政府时期奉行的 “美古和解” 政策,双边关系急剧恶化。在历经近60年的敌对关系之后,美古于 2015年7月恢复外交关系。特朗普上任后谴责古巴实施 “独裁统治”,重新对古巴实行旅行和贸易限制,并对26家古巴实体实施经济和商业制裁,美古关系再次 “冰冻”。此外,美国还对玻利维亚和尼加拉瓜等左翼政府实施打压。在拉美政局 “右摆” 的态势下,美国试图拉拢一些右翼国家 “选边站队”,利用委、古问题等制造地区分裂,从而对拉美国家团结和地区一体化产生负面影响。美国对拉美地区事务的介入加大,直接影响到拉美地区的政治与社会稳定,对中拉合作也产生一定的负面影响。
Fourth, looking at the development trend of Sino–U.S. relations, the intensification of Sino–U.S. strategic competition has prompted the United States to increase its containment of China in Latin America. After the Trump administration came to power, it viewed Sino-U.S. relations with a Cold War mentality of “zero-sum competition,” believing that China’s rise would challenge the foundation of U.S. hegemony. At the level of strategy and security, the U.S. National Security Strategy released by the Trump administration in December 2017 clearly positioned China as a “strategic competitor” and a “revisionist country,” viewing China as a political, economic, and security threat to the United States.37 As the strategic competition between China and the United States intensifies, some contradictions are directly reflected in economic, trade, and investment policies related to China, while others are transformed into policy-based containment and blockade in the political and diplomatic fields. The research report At the Dawn of Belt and Road: China in the Developing Worldreleased by the U.S. RAND Corporation in October 2018 stated that China’s focus on developing countries reached its peak in the Belt and Road Initiative. Developing countries provide support for China’s continued growth in economic power and global influence. China aims to “seize” geopolitical advantages in order to balance the United States in their global competition.38 Specifically in terms of China–Latin America relations, the United States is afraid that the “mutual rapprochement” between China and Latin America will lead to “mutual alienation” between the United States and Latin America, and that China’s political, economic, and diplomatic presence in Latin America will weaken the United States’ control over the geopolitical order in the Western Hemisphere.39 In February 2018, then-U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson visited five Latin American countries and accused China of using its economic clout to bring Latin America into its “sphere of influence.” He criticized China as a “new imperial power” seeking to expand its regional influence in Latin America. He said the United States has always been Latin America’s “most stable, strongest, and most enduring partner” and tried to make Latin America submit to U.S.-led hegemony in the Western Hemisphere.40 In October 2018, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) of the United States published a report titled The Future of Latin America and the Caribbean in the Context of the Rise of China, which provided a forecast for China–Latin America relations in 2050. The report stated that by 2050, China’s arms sales and military presence in Latin America will have increased significantly in scale, quality, and scope, posing a critical threat to the U.S. hegemony in the Western Hemisphere.41 In terms of policy practice, Trump pursues the policy concept of “America First.” On the one hand, he wants to build a “border wall” on the U.S.–Mexico border and has a “zero tolerance” policy towards Latin American immigrants. On the other hand, he is putting pressure on Mexico and Canada to revise the North American Free Trade Agreement. In November 2018, the new version of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) was officially signed. In it, the United States deliberately included a “poison pill clause” targeting China, requiring Mexico and Canada to inform the United States three months in advance when negotiating with “non-market economies.” This was done with the intention of prohibiting the two countries from signing free trade agreements with China and seeking to establish an anti-China sphere of influence in the global trade system.42 In addition, after Panama, the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador established diplomatic relations with China, the United States recalled its ambassadors or acting ambassadors stationed in the three countries in September 2018, and U.S. Vice President Pence said that China’s actions “threaten the stability of the Taiwan Strait region.” It is evident that the strategic competition between China and the United States will “spill over” to Latin America, and thereby directly affect the development of China–Latin America relations.
第四,从中美关系发展态势看,中美战略竞争的加剧促使美国加大对中国在拉美的遏制力度。特朗普政府执政后,以 “零和竞争” 的 “冷战思维” 看待中美关系,认为中国崛起会挑战美国的霸权根基。在战略与安全层面,2017年12月特朗普政府发布的美国 《国家安全战略》将中国明确定位为 “战略竞争对手” 和 “修正主义国家”,视中国为美国的政治、经济与安全威胁。中美战略竞争的加剧,有些矛盾直接体现在涉华经贸投资政策上,有些则转化为政治与外交领域的政策围堵与遏制。美国兰德公司 (RAND)在2018年10月发布的 《“一带一路” 的黎明:中国与发展中世界》研究报告称,中国对发展中国家的重视在 “一带一路” 倡议中达到顶峰,发展中国家为中国持续成长提供经济增长与全球影响力支撑, 中国旨在 “攫取” 地缘政治优势以平衡与美国之间的全球竞争。具体到中拉关系上, 美国惧怕中拉 “相互接近” 会导致美拉 “相互疏离”, 中国在拉美的政治、经济与外交存在会削弱美国对西半球秩序的控制力。2018年2月,时任美国国务卿蒂勒森出访拉美五国,指责中国利用其经济影响力将拉美纳入自己的 “势力范围”,抨击中国是在拉美谋求地区影响力扩张的 “新帝国强权”,称美国始终是拉美 “最稳定、最强大、最持久的合作伙伴”,试图让拉美屈从于美国主导的西半球霸权。2018 年10 月美国战略与国际研究中心 (CSIS) 在报告《中国崛起背景下的拉美和加勒比》中对2050年的中拉关系进行展望,认为到2050 年中国在拉美的军售和军事存在在规模、质量和范围上都会大幅增长,将对美国西半球霸权构成致命威胁。在政策实践上,特朗普奉行 “美国优先” 的政策理念, 一方面在美墨边界修建 “边墙” 对拉美移民 “零容忍”,另一方面向墨西哥和加拿大施压,重构北美自由贸易协定。2018 年11 月,新版 《美墨加协定》(USMCA) 正式签署, 美国处心积虑地在其中预设针对中国的 “毒 丸条款” (Poison Pill),要求墨、加在与 “非市场经济国家” 谈判时提前3个月告知美国,意在禁止两国与中国签订自贸协议,谋求在全球贸易体系中建立一个 “反华势力范围”。此外,在巴拿马、多米尼加和萨尔瓦多与中国建交后,美国于2018年9月召回被派驻到三国的大使或临时代办,美国副总统彭斯称中国的行为 “威胁到台海地区的稳定”。可见,中美之间的战略竞争会 “外溢” 到拉美地区,从而直接影响中拉关系的发展。
IV. Conclusion
Although China and Latin American countries are far apart geographically, they are all developing countries. They share common ideas and demands in the international community and have strong economic complementarity, making them natural partners. Over more than a decade, China and Latin America have leveraged their respective strengths, actively carried out pragmatic cooperation, and formed a new situation of cooperation based on mutual assistance and mutual benefit. China has always viewed China–Latin America relations from a strategic and long-term perspective. In the context of the deepening the construction of the Belt and Road and improving the strategic layout of opening up to the outside world, China has proposed the strategic vision of building a “China–Latin America Community of Common Destiny.” The “Pacific consciousness” of Latin American countries echoes China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Latin American countries have actively responded to China’s Belt and Road Initiative and aligned their development strategies with China in order to meet the needs of the upward movement of production chains and value chains in Latin America. As the center of world economic growth shifts from the “Atlantic” to the “Pacific,” the status of both China and Latin America in the global political and economic landscape is on the rise. Therefore, China–Latin America relations are increasingly breaking out of their subordinate position under the old pattern. Their growing independence promotes the extension of this relationship to the broader field of international governance, giving it increasing global significance.
中国和拉美国家虽然相距遥远,但同属发展中国家,在国际社会中有着共同的理念和诉求,且具有极强的经济互补性,是天然的合作伙伴。在过去的十多年中,中拉双方发挥各自优势,积极开展务实合作,形成互助互益的合作新局面。中国始终从战略高度和长远角度看待中拉关系,在深入推进 “一带一路” 建设和完善对外开放战略布局的大背景下,提出构建 “中拉命运共同体” 的战略愿景。拉美国家的 “太平洋意识” 与中国的 “一带一路” 倡议遥相呼应,积极响应中方的 “一带一路” 倡议,与中国进行发展战略对接,以满足拉丁美洲产业链和价值链上行的需求。随着世界经济增长的中心从 “大西洋” 转向 “太平洋”,中拉双方在全球政治经济格局中的地位均呈现上升趋势,因此,中拉关系越来越脱离旧格局之下的从属性,其日益发展的独立性反过来促进这一关系向更加广阔的国际治理领域延伸,从而愈加具有全球意义。